Newslinks 05/30/10

May 30, 2010 at 8:50 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Palin supports Arizona crackdown on illegals
As calls spread for an economic boycott of Arizona, the state’s governor enlisted the help of former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin on Saturday to defend a new law cracking down on illegal immigration.

Pro-life groups find useful tool in Obamacare
Pro-life proponents are using a provision in the new health reform law to limit abortion coverage by private insurers.

Birth rate drops, problems rise
According to newly released government statistics, the U.S. birth rate has dropped below replacement level.

Game-fixing charges
A Pennsylvania man is accused of trying to bribe referees to rig basketball games in favor of the church team he coached.

‘Cry of the Orphan’ Kicks Off 2010 Campaign
Americans nationwide will gather throughout this week to pray for the needs of the children, workers and families of the foster care system as pro-adoption ministries ban together to raise awareness of the orphan crisis.

Evangelicals Urge Caution in Probing Moroccan Crackdown

Appeals Court Refuses to Rehear Ky. Commandments Case

Atheist Groups Condemn Stealing of Mojave Cross

Judge Proposes June 16 for Date of Prop 8 Closing Arguments

Haggards Incorporate St. James Church in Colorado

Did White House jump the gun re: AZ law?
An immigration reform organization says the Obama administration clearly needs to have all its “ducks in a row” before talking about filing suit against Arizona’s new immigration enforcement bill.

Perspective: Stay classy, Mr. President
The practice of sowing division and discord while simultaneously condemning the sowing of division and discord has become the Obama way.

Bill could ENDA congressional careers
There is a slim possibility that the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) could come up for a vote this week — perhaps as soon as Wednesday.

Perspective: Healing from homosexuality
The truth of homosexuality is that it is, like so many other things, a sin — and the truth about healing from homosexuality is that, like so many other sins, it can be done. I should know.

Shift in allegiance forecasts change in leadership
A Republican congressman who is running for a Senate seat to represent Kansas says the radical policies of President Obama and the Democratic-controlled Congress have been a wake-up call for the American people, who appear ready to elect Republicans this fall.

Pelosi to Aspiring Musicians: Quit Your Job, Taxpayers Will Cover Your Health Care
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said this week that thanks to the new health-care reform law, musicians and other creative types could quit their jobs and focus on developing their talents because taxpayers would fund their health care coverage. “We see it as an entrepreneurial bill,” Pelosi said, “a bill that says to someone, if you want to be creative and be a musician or whatever, you can leave your work, focus on your talent, your skill, your passion, your aspirations because you will have health care.”

Kagan Helped Craft Clinton Strategy for Blocking Partial-Birth Abortion Ban
– Solicitor General Elena Kagan helped devise President Bill Clinton’s political strategy for sustaining his veto of the partial-birth abortion ban in 1997. As a result of Clinton’s successful veto that year, the ban was not enacted until 2003. Kagan co-wrote a May 13, 1997 memo urging Clinton to support two Democratic amendments that were being offered as substitutes for the partial-birth abortion ban and that were designed to give cover to Democrats who wanted to vote against the ban but be on record as in some way opposing late-term abortions.

Senate Homeland Security Committee Probes U.S. Contracts With Companies Doing Business With Iran
Washington (
– From 2005 to 2009, the Defense Department held $880 million worth of contracts with seven international corporations that do significant business with Iran in the oil, gas and petrochemical sectors, and Sen. Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) wants to know why.

Palin Says She Connects to ‘Tough, Gun-Toting, Pioneer Feminism’
– Former Gov. Sarah Palin (R-Alaska) said on Friday she feels a connection with what she called the “tough, gun-toting” Western feminism of Annie Oakley, which she contrasted with the feminism found in “the faculty lounge at some East Coast women’s college.”

Americans Under 30 Most Likely to Take Uncompromising Stand for Right to Life, Says Gallup Poll
– The pro-abortion left appears to be losing the battle for the heart and soul of the rising generation of Americans, according to new data released by the Gallup poll. Americans in the 18 to 29 age bracket are now more likely than their elders to believe abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, and they generally oppose abortion in greater numbers than Baby Boomers.

L.A. Mayor: Illegal Immigration Adds to ‘Economic Might’ of Deficit-Ridden California
Washington (
– Los Angeles Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa told Thursday that illegal immigration has not contributed to his city’s budget problems, but has added to the “economic might” of California.

Iran Agrees to Ship Its Nuclear Fuel to Turkey in Effort to Avoid U.N. Sanctions
– Trying to avoid a fourth round of U.N. sanctions, Iran on Monday signed a nuclear fuel swap deal with Turkey. The deal has some of the developing world’s most powerful nations rallying around Tehran, in a fresh challenge to the Obama administration’s claims to have achieved a unified international stance against Iran.

Thailand on Edge After Rebel General Dies
– Thailand’s turmoil looked set to deepen Monday after a renegade army general who sided with anti-government protestors died, four days after he was shot by an unidentified sniper. The incident sparked a new round of deadly violence in the once-stable Southeast Asian country, an important U.S. ally in the region.

Missionary released from Haitian jail
The last of 10 American missionaries detained while trying to take 33 children out of Haiti is free after being sentenced by a Haitian judge to jail time she already served.

Perspective: From Episcopal church to Islamic center
Where for more than 100 years a house of Christian worship stood, there now stands an Islamic Awareness Center – compliments of the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York.

Congressman to resign over affair
Indiana Republican Rep. Mark Souder says he’ll resign from Congress effective Friday over an affair with a staffer.

Caner faces questions about Muslim past
The Southern Baptist minister who leads Liberty University’s seminary has sold thousands of books and toured the country as a former Muslim who discovered Jesus Christ. Now there are allegations he fabricated or embellished his past.

Feature: Home on the ‘Ranch’
Passing on godly principles to children who deserve a childhood – and introducing them to Jesus – is the purpose of Quinn’s Ranch in Alabama.

Conservative Anglicans Lament Ordination of 2nd Gay Bishop
The ordination of two women bishops, one of whom is a partnered lesbian, was a moment of celebration for some 3,000 Episcopalians gathered in Long Beach, Calif., on Saturday. But for others, it was a moment of alienation and sorrow.

Poll: More Americans Say U.S. Morality Getting Worse

Southern Baptists Mark 3rd Year of Membership Decline

Baptist Megachurch Commits $115M for Massive Campus

Ex-Israeli Special Agent Confirms ‘Son of Hamas’ Story

Liberty U Bestows Honorary Degree on Glenn Beck

Obama Administration Commiserates With China About Human Rights Violations in Arizona
– In a “candid and constructive” human rights dialogue with Chinese officials last week, Obama administration officials brought up Arizona’s new immigration-enforcement law, telling the Chinese Communists it was an example of a “troubling trend” in the United States and an indication of “discrimination or potential discrimination” in American society. Ironically, the State Department’s most recent report on human rights in China indicates that the government there restricts the internal travel of its own citizens.

White House: Kagan Broke No Law Restricting Military Recruiters at Harvard
Washington (
– The White House will not explore whether Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan violated the law when she did not allow military recruiters at Harvard Law School. A conservative advocacy group, however, says Kagan’s refusal to comply with federal law by cooperating with military recruiters at Harvard is reason enough for the Senate to reject her nomination as Supreme Court justice.

If Confirmed to Supreme Court, Kagan May Have To Recuse Herself in Health Care Cases
– If confirmed to the Supreme Court, Elena Kagan may have to recuse herself if the health care reform law comes before the high court. That’s because as solicitor general of the United States in the Obama administration, Kagan may have helped craft a legal defense of the law or given advice to Congress or the White House on how to draft the statute. Historically, Supreme Court justices recuse themselves from hearing cases in which they have previously been involved.

White House Health Czar Repeats False Claim of Lower Health Costs
– White House health care czar Nancy-Anne Deparle repeated the claim that the health care reform law signed by President Obama will result in lower health care costs despite a well-known government report to the contrary.

Kagan Advocated Campaign Restrictions While Serving as Clinton Adviser
– Before arguing to uphold government restrictions on campaign speech as U.S. solicitor general, Elena Kagan had advocated such limits while serving in the Clinton administration.

Pelosi: Obama’s Budget a ‘Blueprint for Economic Stabilization’ for America, Designed To ‘Reduce the Deficit’
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) recently said that President Barack Obama’s fiscal year 2010 budget of $3.6 trillion was a “blueprint for economic stabilization for our country.” The Treasury Department, however, has reported that the United States posted a budget deficit for the month of April nearly four times the $20.91 billion shortfall registered in April 2009.

Sen. Rockefeller Tells Neil Armstrong: ‘I Am a Substantial Skeptic of Human Spaceflight’ and America’s Drive to Explore is Not All ‘Glorious’
– Senate Commerce, Science and Transportation Chairman John D. Rockefeller (D-W.V.) says he is “a substantial skeptic of human spaceflight” and that not all outlets for American exploration are “glorious.”

Neil Armstrong, Jim Lovell, Gene Cernan: Obama’s NASA Plan a ‘Blueprint for a Mission to Nowhere’
– Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon, Jim Lovell, the commander of Apollo 13, and Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Cernan, the last man on the moon, have determined that President Barack Obama’s plan to cut funding for NASA’s Constellation manned space program is a “blueprint for a mission to nowhere” — a message Armstrong and Cernan pointedly delivered in person to a Senate committee last week.

Napolitano Admits She Hasn’t Reviewed ‘In Detail’ Arizona Immigration Law She’s Criticized
– Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, who has been a vocal critic of the new Arizona immigration law, told Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee Monday that she had not reviewed the law in detail, but nevertheless repeated criticism she made in April on ABC’s “Good Morning America” that the law is a “bad law enforcement law.” Last week, Attorney General Eric Holder told a House panel he had not read the ten-page law, either.

Fuel Swap Deal Does Not Address Core Issues of Iranian Nuclear Dispute
– Heritage Foundation senior research fellow James Phillips said the Obama administration must reject and denounce the nuclear fuel swap agreement signed in Tehran on Monday “as yet another Iranian ploy to stall efforts to impose further sanctions, without addressing the core problem of Iran’s drive for nuclear weapons.”

Turkey-Brazil-Iran Nuke Deal May Put More Pressure on Israel
– Following his success in helping to broker a nuclear fuel swap agreement with Iran, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan will likely add to the pressure currently facing Israel over its undeclared nuclear arsenal, according to a leading Turkish commentator. Israel, which has yet to respond formally to the agreement signed in Tehran on Monday, has long been troubled by Ankara’s increasingly outspoken criticism of Israeli policies on one hand and its warming relations with Israel’s foes – including Iran, Syria and Hamas – on the other.

Haiti Convicts then Frees Jailed U.S. Volunteer
Laura Silsby, the leader of the ten U.S. volunteers accused of illegally taking dozens of children out of Haiti, was convicted Monday but then freed to return to the United States.

Prison Ministry: Supreme Court Ruling Gives Minors a Chance

Case Against ‘Homosexuality Is Sin’ Preacher Dropped

Mission Leader: Why So Few Christians in Japan?

Falwell: Measurements of Success in Ministry Are Messed Up

Indian Missionaries Call It a ‘Privilege’ to Suffer

American Idol Judge Ellen DeGeneres Asks Female Contestant to Sing Love Song to a Woman
– American Idol judge Ellen DeGeneres picked a love song written to be sung by a man to a woman for contestant Crystal Bowersox–a single mom with a boyfriend–to perform on the show’s semifinal program on Tuesday night. The song, “Maybe I’m Amazed,” written by Paul McCartney and dedicated to his now-deceased wife Linda McCartney, includes the repeated lyric “baby, I’m a man” in the chorus.

Democrats’ See A ‘Significant Blow to the Republican Party’ in Tuesday’s Elections
– In their post-primary spin, Democrats say they won “the most significant election contest” of the day – the only race to pit a Republican against a Democrat. The Democrat Party’s main talking point: “If the GOP couldn’t win here, it’s not going to have an easy time netting the 40 House seats in November it needs to retake the House.”

McCain: ‘Insulting’ for Obama State Department to ‘Compare’ Arizona Anti-Immigration Law to China’s Human Rights ‘Abuses’
– Senator John McCain (R-Ariz.) said it was “outrageous” for a top Obama administration State Department official to “compare” Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law with Communist China’s “human rights abuses.” He also told that the official, who “did not read the law,” reflects “the liberal elite” that does not know the difference between “a state acting in a constitutional fashion and a regime that’s responsible for the deaths of millions of its citizens.”

McCain, Kyl Demand Top Obama State Dept. Official Retract Statement and Apologize for Likening AZ Immigration Law to Chinese Human Rights Violations
– Sens. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Jon Kyl (R-Ariz.) Tuesday called on the top Obama State Department official responsible for human rights issues to “retract and apologize” for telling officials of the Communist government of China that Arizona’s new immigration-enforcement law is an example of a “troubling trend in our society” and for portraying Arizona as the moral equivalent of Communist China.

At Previous Human Rights Session, U.S. Responded ‘Forthrightly’ to China’s Concerns About U.S. Practices
– The Obama administration’s approach to human rights dialogue with China – “an open discussion where you not only raise the other guy’s problems, but you raise your own” – appears to contrast to that of its predecessor. The latest controversy involving remarks by Assistant Secretary of State Michael Posner has focused attention on a forum that has long been dogged by Beijing’s hypersensitivity to criticism of its rights record.

Obama Urged to Issue Executive Order on Human Right to Ensure U.S. Compliance With U.N. Treaties
– The U.S. State Department is asking state and local human rights commissions to help it prepare an obligatory report to the United Nations on how the U.S. is advancing the human rights set forth in various treaties. Those state and local groups are now pressing President Obama to issue an executive order establishing a domestic human rights infrastructure that would help the U.S. meet its obligations to “respect, protect and fulfill human rights for all.”

Hoyer: No Plans Yet by Democrats To End Fannie, Freddie Bailouts
– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) could not say what action Democrats are planning to end the federal bailouts of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac or when his party planned to take action. Hoyer, speaking to reporters on Tuesday at his weekly press briefing, said only that the House Financial Services Committee was “looking at” what to do with the failed mortgage giants that played a central role in the 2008 economic crisis.

Congress Pushing for Unilateral Gasoline Sanctions Against Iran Despite Progress at U.N.
– “It is my expectation that Congress will soon send its own strong, targeted Iran sanctions bill to President Obama’s desk,” House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer said on Tuesday. Sen. Christopher Dodd (D-Conn.), cosponsor of the Senate bill, said Congress would not “retreat” from its own sanctions initiative regardless of what the U.N. does.

Tuesday’s theme: Anti-DC, anti-establishment
With the electorate’s intense anger reverberating across the country, this is all but certain: It’s an anti-Washington, anti-establishment year. And candidates with ties to either better beware.

Incumbent Lincoln staggers to runoff
Arkansas Senator Blanche Lincoln has failed to win the majority of votes in the Democratic primary. She now faces a three-week fight with Lt. Governor Bill halter for her party’s nomination.

Boycott target Movie Gallery shutting down
Movie Gallery — at one time the second largest video outlet chain in North America — is closing down. A pro-family group implies that informed consumers can take credit, at least in part, for shuttering a distributor of porn movies.

Quinlan: ‘Why does Pepsi fund hate?’
PFOX president Greg Quinlan raised some pointed questions at a recent PepsiCo shareholders meeting.

Perspective: The U.S. Dept. of Blame America First
Obama Democrats have now mastered the treacherous art of the pre-emptive global apology.

Pastors Challenged to Be Under-Rowers, Never Retire
Pastors are not called to be the captain of the ship, said Pastor Charles Swindoll. Rather, heir job is to hold an oar and row.

‘Secondary Disaster’ Concerns Raised as Haiti’s Hurricane Season Nears

3 Christian Relief Staff Abducted by Gunmen

Pakistani Official Fires 15 Christians Over Faith

Methodist Panel Wants to Nix Clergy Job Guarantees

Charter School Considers Appealing Decision on Religious Texts

Perspective: Anti-incumbency … or anti-liberalism?
The message is clear: Obama and the Democrats misread the 2008 elections — and now, thanks to the voters, they’re paying for it.

Playing politics with education standards
The Texas State Board of Education is getting closer to adopting new social studies guidelines for the classroom. But some liberal groups are not pleased with the conservative values added to the standards, and they want to delay the vote.

Does ObamaCare cross constitutional lines?
Another lawsuit has been filed in an effort to halt implementation of President Obama’s healthcare reform law.

Preaching homosexuality as sin not against the law
Charges have been dropped against a British street preacher arrested for speaking against homosexuality in a public area.

Will Kagan submit to ‘hollow charade’?
As Republican senators continue their background investigation of Obama Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, a conservative critic says they need to be looking very carefully at some of her past statements.

Senate Democratic Whip Compares Sealing the Mexican Border to Trying to Keep Drugs Off of I-95
Washington (
– Senator Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) said the effort to secure the U.S.-Mexico border is like trying to guarantee that “no narcotics and no guns are going to pass illegally” along I-95, a major East Coast highway. “Imagine the challenge that would pose to any governmental unit trying to enforce it,” Durbin said.

Mexican President Denounces Arizona Law Despite Laws Against Illegal Immigration in His Own Country
– At a joint press conference in the White House Rose Garden on Wednesday, President Barack Obama and Mexican President Felipe Calderon criticized Arizona’s new law against illegal immigration. In Calderon’s Mexico, however, illegal immigration is punished with fines and deportations.

Obama Says Administration Taking ‘Very Close Look’ at Arizona’s Immigration Law for Civil Rights ‘Implications’
– President Barack Obama said his administration is taking a “very close look” at Arizona’s new anti-illegal immigration law, examining it for any “implications, especially for civil rights.” He did not say whether he’s read the law.

Sestak Has ‘Moral Imperative’ to Answer Questions on White House Job Offer, GOP Congressman Says
– Fresh off his win over incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter in the Pennsylvania Democratic primary, Rep. Joe Sestak should still be obligated to answer questions about a job he says the White House offered to him if he agreed not to run against Specter in the primary, a leading House Republican said. “Could the reason why Congressman Joe Sestak refuses to name names is because the very people who tried to bribe him are now his benefactors?” Rep. Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) ranking member of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, said in a statement Wednesday.

Accused of Sinking South Korean Ship, North Korea Threatens ‘All-Out War’
– Tensions rose on the Korean peninsula Thursday after South Korea accused North Korea of torpedoing its warship in March, drawing a sharp response and threats of “all-out war” from Pyongyang. The U.S. and Japanese governments quickly voiced support for South Korea, with the White House condemning the North Korean “act of aggression.”

Ahead of White House Visit, Lebanese PM Meets With Syrian President, Seeks Talks With Hezbollah Leader
– Preparing for his first official visit to Washington next week, Lebanon’s U.S.-backed Prime Minister Saad Hariri has held “coordination” talks with Syrian President Bashir Assad and reportedly plans to meet Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. The U.S. government has listed Hezbollah as a “foreign terrorist organization” since the FTO designation was first established in 1996.

Democratic Leader Hoyer Doesn’t Know Whether Obama Administration was Prepared for Oil Spill
– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he did not know whether the Obama administration was prepared to combat the oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Hoyer also said it was “accurate” that the federal government had not been properly checking up on British Petroleum and its oil rigs.

Jews for Jesus Founder Dies at Age 78
The founder of Jews for Jesus died Wednesday, leaving behind a pre-written message to members of the ministry.

Billy Graham Wants to Preach Again

Texas Board Expected to Vote on Social Studies Curriculum

FEMA Official Apologizes Over Faith-Based Shirts Request

Christians Upset Over UK’s First TV Abortion Ad

Ministry Leader Sees Answer to Thailand’s Woes in Greater Equality

Congress’ attitude re: families a ‘recipe for disaster’
A pro-family leader in Washington, DC, is expressing shock and disappointment at the news that a Republican congressman who championed conservative values was forced to resign because of an affair with a staff member.

Deportation not a ‘feasible’ fix, says Land
Conservative evangelical leader Dr. Richard Land says the issue of illegal immigration must be solved soon.

Asian majority a college crisis?
The University of California is proposing tinkering with admissions requirements because a large proportion of their students are Asian.

Mojave cross replaced, taken down
Authorities say a Mojave Desert cross that replaced the stolen one honoring America’s war dead was illegal, so it’s been taken down too.

Perspective: The shady ShoreBank bailout
Taxpayers may be on the hook for helping rescue a Chicago bank with Obama ties that is too politically connected to fail.

Democrats Have No Plan for Dealing with Fannie and Freddie; Ignore Republican Proposal
– House Democrats appear to have no plans for dealing with the failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, despite acting on dozens of other matters in the two months since Republicans proposed a way to rescue the two government-sponsored enterprises. So far, taxpayers have spent $145 billion to keep Fannie and Freddie solvent, and that tab is expected to go much higher.

Hoekstra: Resignation of Director of National Intelligence Results From ‘Obama Administration’s Rampant Politicization of National Security’
– Rep. Pete Hoekstra of Michigan, the ranking Republican on the House intelligence committee, says the resignation of Director of National Intelligence Dennis Blair is “a disturbing sign of the stranglehold the Obama White House has placed on America’s intelligence agencies.”

Gulf Spill Sparks Drilling Debate Along Party Lines But Gov’t Says Less Than 0.001% of Oil Spilled in Federal Waters Since 1980
– Congressional hearings on the Gulf oil spill reveal the political divide between pro-offshore drilling lawmakers and those who cite the accident as a reason to halt any expanded drilling in the Gulf. Government reports show that less than 0.001 percent of oil culled from rigs in federal waters has been spilled in the last 30 years.

As Sestak Repeats Charge of Job Offer, White House Still Ducks Detailed Answer
Washington (
– Rep. Joe Sestak, the Democratic nominee for Pennsylvania’s U.S. Senate seat, said again this week that the White House offered him a job to keep him from challenging Sen. Arlen Specter in the Democratic primary. But White House spokesman Robert Gibbs has declined to provide any response, other than to repeat that nothing “problematic” occurred.

Will the Obama Administration Accept China-Pakistan Nuclear Collaboration?
– Analysts in India and the U.S. are voicing concern that the Obama administration may tolerate a Chinese bid to build more nuclear power reactors in Pakistan, despite Islamabad’s poor non-proliferation record. The U.S. has been trying to win Beijing’s support for fresh U.N. Security Council sanctions against Iran.

Facebook Accused of Hurting Muslims With ‘Anti-Islamic Sentiments’
– The Facebook page at the center of angry protests in Pakistan because of depictions of Mohammed also has been blocked in Saudi Arabia, the latest development in a controversy first sparked almost five years ago by a Danish newspaper’s publication of cartoons satirizing Mohammed.

Replacement Memorial Cross Torn Down
A cross similar to the one that was stolen nearly two weeks ago was mysteriously erected in the Mojave National Preserve but quickly removed after authorities said it was illegal.

Global Day of Prayer to Celebrate 10-Year History

Evangelicals: Let’s Talk about Sex to Reduce Abortions

Scientists Successfully ‘Boot Up’ Cell with Synthetic DNA

Conservative Anglicans in U.S., England Propose Clergy Swap

Seasoned Pastors Reveal Mistakes, Regrets in Ministry

TX adopts new social studies curriculum
Texas schoolchildren will be required to learn that the words “separation of church and state” aren’t in the Constitution and evaluate whether the United Nations undermines U.S. sovereignty under new social studies curriculum.

Perspective: Socialism’s not in the Bible
Having placed 50 percent of America’s economy under government control, the Obama administration is now angling for a tighter grip on the financial sector.

Will Pro-Life Caucus still be effective?
In the aftermath of passage of the healthcare reform bill, a question arises as to whether the House Pro-Life Caucus has meaning anymore.

Jews for Jesus founder dies
The founder of the group Jews for Jesus has died after a long battle with prostate cancer. Moishe Rosen was 78.

Pakistani gov’t ordered to block Facebook
A Pakistani court has ordered the government to block Facebook because of a page that encourages users to post images of Islam’s prophet Muhammad.

Christian Biochemist: First ‘Synthetic Cell’ Strengthens Case for Design
A biochemistry expert at the science-faith think tank Reasons to Believe is among those hailing the recent creation of the first-ever “synthetic cell,” though not for the same reasons as most.

Conservative Watchdog Leader Issues Warning to Evangelical Groups

ACLJ Takes Up Case of 7th Grader Suspended for Wearing Rosary

Indiana Rep. Resigns After Affair Confession

Kagan Confirmation Hearings Set to Begin June 28

Rev. Wright: Obama Threw Me Under the Bus

Graduation-time controversies
A high school in Indiana has decided it will no longer screen graduation speeches, and a district in Connecticut is being challenged on its plan to hold graduation ceremonies in a church building.

‘Lesson 9’ deep-sixed
A lawsuit by a group of parents — and lots of complaints — has led to the removal of controversial pro-homosexual curriculum in a California school district.

Perspective: No more borders, please!
What do the state of Arizona and the Cincinnati Reds’ organization have in common? Both are simply doing their job to protect the innocent.

Kagan: Support unconstitutional measure for political gain
A leaked memo from Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan is raising eyebrows among pro-life groups.

Catholic bishops pull away from civil-rights group
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has withdrawn from the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights following the latter’s published support for Supreme Court nominee Elena Kagan, who is pro-abortion.

‘Obama White House Is Admitting That Their Health Care Plan Will Ration Health Care,’ GOP Senator Says
– President Barack Obama’s nominee to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services is a strong supporter of the government-run health care system in Britain. In a 2009 interview about Comparative Effectiveness Research, Donald Berwick said, “The decision is not whether or not we will ration care – the decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.” In choosing Berwick, the Obama administration is implicitly admitting that the health care law passed by the Democrats in March will lead to the rationing of health care, said Sen. Pat Roberts (R-Kan.).

Islamic Nations Praise Obama’s Outreach and U.S. Plans to Close ‘Islamophobia Prison’ at Guantanamo
– President Obama’s Cairo speech to Muslims, his plan to shut down the detention center at Guantanamo Bay and the dropping of language deemed offensive to Muslims are among the positive developments highlighted in the Organization of the Islamic Conference’s new report on “Islamophobia.” Areas requiring more work include winning the Obama administration over to the OIC-held position on the need for legal recourse to counter “religious defamation.”

Awlaki Not Among FBI’s ‘Most Wanted’ Terrorists; No Reward Offered for His Capture
– Anwar al-Awlaki, the U.S.-born Islamic cleric who in a new video clip urges Muslims to kill American civilians, does not appear on the FBI’s list of wanted terrorists and the government has yet to place a reward on his head. Likewise, no references to Awlaki could be found Monday on the Web site of the U.S. Embassy in the Yemeni capital, Sana’a.

Brennan: U.S. Should Foster ‘Moderate Elements’ of the Terrorist Group Hezbollah
– President Obama’s counterterrorism adviser John Brennan called Hezbollah a “very interesting organization” in remarks last week at a Washington think tank, and he said the United States needs to “build up the more moderate elements” of Hezbollah, which the State Department has designated as a Foreign Terrorist Organization.

DEA: No Comment on Drug Cartel Obtaining Intelligence Reports That DEA Provided to High-Level Mexican Authorities
– The U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency declined to comment on reports that a drug cartel from the northwestern Mexican state of Sinaloa had access to documents detailing Mexico’s counter-narcotics operations, including information that the DEA had provided to high-level officials in Mexico’s Public Safety Department.

Senate Passed Financial Bill Contains Debit Card Price Controls
– The recently passed financial regulatory bill contains a little-noticed provision allowing the government to set price controls on the fees banks charge retailers who accept debit cards.

FCC Says It Has ‘No Record’ of Any Communication to or from Its Chairman Mentioning Limbaugh, Hannity, Levin, Beck, Ingraham or Savage
– The Federal Communications Commission says it has “no records” of any communication either “to or from” its chairman that mentions Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Glenn Beck, Laura Ingraham or Michael Savage. The FCC made the declaration in response to a Freedom of Information Act request by that sought all its records reflecting communications from FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski mentioning the popular radio hosts.

Senate Democrats Pass Bill Allowing Gov’t to Collect Addresses, ATM Records of Bank Customers
– Senate Democrats united to pass a financial regulatory bill that allows the government to collect data on any person operating in financial markets at any level. The bill would create the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection and empower it to gather the names and addresses of account holders, ATM and other transaction records, and the amount of money kept in each customer’s account. Senator Richard Shelby (R-Ala.) said that Democrats who claim this new bureaucracy will protect consumers are misleading the public.

Rep. Kennedy Says Mexican President ‘Right On’ in Criticizing Arizona Immigration Law
Washington (
– Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), a senior member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, told that Mexican President Felipe Calderon was wrong to criticize Arizona’s anti-illegal immigration law, adding that Calderon had also “mischaracterized the law.” Rep. Patrick Kennedy (D-R.I.), however, said that Calderon was “right on” in criticizing the new law.

Obama’s Comment That Nations Are Defined by Bonds, Not Borders, Called ‘Wishful Thinking
– It is wishful thinking on the part of the president to imply that borders are no longer important, one policy analyst told

Study: Parenthood Does Not Make for Active Churchgoers
A new study debunks the common assumption that once a couple hits parenthood, they’ll put Sunday church services back on their calendar.

Gay Marriage Support Gains Slightly in U.S.

Rick Warren Tells Passive, Fake Christians to Find Another Church

Second Wave of Deportations Hits Foreign Christians in Morocco

Iran Acquits Two Female Converts of Apostasy

Pentecost Festival Draws Thousands to London

Gates will support proposed immediate ‘gay’ ban lift
Defense Secretary Robert Gates is reluctantly supporting a White House-backed proposal in Congress that would immediately repeal the law banning homosexuals from serving openly in the military.

Study the Constitution – what a concept…
Defenders of the new social studies standards just passed by the Texas State Board of Education say it will encourage students to go back to the Constitution and First Amendment to learn about religious freedom.

Obama’s policies = ‘economic Armageddon’
After completing a research paper on President Obama’s economic policies, a spokesperson for Concerned Women for America concludes that they could be catastrophic for the nation.

Rifqa faces cancer treatment
A former Muslim who was pastor of a church in Columbus, Ohio, says 17-year-old Christian convert Rifqa Bary has told him she has a very aggressive form of uterine cancer.

School’s hands-off approach the right choice

An Indiana pro-family leader is applauding a high school for deciding it won’t screen speeches at its commencement ceremony.
Obama’s Nominee to Run Medicare: ‘Please Don’t Put Your Faith in Market Forces’
– Dr. Donald Berwick, nominated by President Barack Obama to head the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services, published an article in the British Medical Journal, advising leaders of Britain’s socialized health care system: “Please don’t put your faith in market forces.” The article, published in the July 26, 2008 issue of the BMJ, compared the U.S. health care system unfavorably to the British system, which Berwick said he was “romantic about.”

White House, Congressional Dems Reach Agreement to Force Vote on Repeal of Don’t Ask Don’t Tell
– The White House and congressional Democratic leaders reached an agreement Monday night on a “compromise” that could force a vote within days on a bill to end the military’s Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy on homosexuality — after the congressional elections. “Tonight, President Obama and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi made a back room deal that disregards the views of our troops and uses the military to advance the political agenda of a radical special interest group,” Family Research Council President Tony Perkins said in a statement.

New York Times’ Front Page Announces U.S. Expansion of ‘Secret Military Acts’ in Middle East
– The New York Times, giving America’s friends and foes a heads-up, reports that Gen. David Petraeus signed a “secret directive” in September authorizing “a broad expansion of secret military activity” in the Middle East.

Poll Finds 65 Percent of Texas Voters Still Support Off-Shore Drilling
– Nearly two-thirds of all Texans believe off-shore drilling should continue, despite the Gulf oil spill, according to a new poll. The poll places Texas voters in line with the national average of 64 percent of Americans who support offshore drilling, according to the Rasmussen Report.

Dave Matthews: ‘Too Bad If We Have To Pay a Little Extra Money for Gasoline’
– Grammy award-winning musician Dave Matthews told that higher energy prices are what “we have to do” to protect the environment. He also said although he admires the military, he would like to see it downsized.

Rocker Dave Matthews: ‘I Would Pack the Bags’ and Leave Afghanistan and Iraq
– Grammy award-winning musician Dave Matthews told that if he could, he “would pack the bags” and remove U.S. troops from Afghanistan and Iraq, adding that the ongoing wars there are a “big disappointment.” He also said there is enough evidence that “fighting for peace is a broken model.”

Despite U.S. Prodding, China Does Little More Than Call for Restraint on the Korean Peninsula
– As South Korea and the United States turn up the pressure on North Korea over the sinking of a South Korean warship, Kim Jong-il’s closest ally looks unwilling to do or say anything about the incident beyond its customary calls for calm. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, in Beijing for bilateral strategic and economic talks, urged China Monday to “work together” with the U.S. to address the “serious challenge provoked by the sinking of the South Korean ship.”

Force-feeding the repeal
Family Research Council leader Tony Perkins is accusing President Obama and congressional Democratic leaders of making a backroom deal to force a vote on overturning the law on homosexuals serving in the military.

Perspective: The White House-Sestak stonewall
With three Democrats now implicating the president in dirty backroom schemes, “trust us” won’t cut it — and neither will “shut up and go away.”

White House ‘agitator’ sees dark days for Dems
A senior member of the White House press corps believes the Republican Party will take control of Congress in November and set about immediately to repeal “ObamaCare” — and that, the veteran journalist predicts, might not bode well for the president.

Christian faith – America’s historic backbone
The president of Westminster Theological Seminary believes the proclaimed “father” of the United States would be appalled at the direction the nation is headed.

National Guard to the border
An immigration reform organization is welcoming the Obama administration’s announcement to heed the call from desperate border states to dispatch thousands of National Guard troops to the southern border and help deal with the problem of illegal crossings into the U.S.

Will Graham Brings ‘Reality’ of Christ to Aussies
Third generation evangelist Will Graham has joined world-class entertainers and speakers in Australia to present the Gospel and “the reality of life.”

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Compromise Reached; Vote Expected Soon

Supreme Court to Hear Ariz. Christian School Case

Fund Shortage Threatens to Close L.A. Homeless Center

Minn. Church Takes First Step to Exit ELCA

Hindu Nationalists Plan ‘Religious Cleansing’ in Madhya Pradesh District

Rep. Hoyer: Obama Medicare Nominee Qualified, Rationing Already Happening
– House Majority Leader Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said the man nominated to run Medicare and Medicaid, Donald Berwick, is qualified to oversee the two massive government health care programs despite Berwick’s claim that the government must ration health care. Hoyer added that health care rationing is already happening in America — because not all Americans can afford it.

Boehner: Republicans ‘Committed to Repealing the Health Care Law’ If They Take Back House
– House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Tuesday that the House Republican leadership is “committed to repealing the health care law” if Republicans win a majority in the House in the November elections. Boehner  also announced the launch of the House Republicans’ new Web site,, where citizens can submit ideas for congressional Republicans to consider making part of their agenda.

Obama Should Visit U.S.-Mexico Border to See the Threat to Americans Firsthand, Republican Senators Say
– On the same day President Barack Obama announced he was ordering 1,200 National Guard troops to the U.S.-Mexico border, two Republican senators from Arizona said it’s about time – and it’s too few troops.

International Community Has ‘Responsibility and Duty to Respond’ to Ship Sinking by North Korea, Clinton Says
– On Wednesday, one day after North Korea threatened to sever all remaining ties with South Korea, North Korea did not prevent South Korean employees from entering a joint industrial project that employs thousands of North Koreans. The Stalinist regime warned, however, that it would bar entry to South Koreans if Seoul resumes anti-Pyongyang propaganda broadcasts along their shared border, which South Korean President Lee Myun-bak has said he would do.

Suspected Terror Mastermind Free to Rail Against India and ‘Blasphemy’
– Hafiz Mohammad Saeed, the Islamist leader released from house arrest by Pakistan’s highest court, remains one of that country’s most outspoken advocates of jihad against India, and he is now free to press his case that the U.N. should declare ‘blasphemy of prophets’ a capital offense.

Bill Requires Rhode Island to Pay Taxpayers Interest on Delayed Tax Refunds
– Several Rhode Island state congressmen have introduced a bill requiring the state to pay the same rate of interest after 60 days on tax refunds owed to taxpayers that the state assesses for overdue taxes.

Evangelicals Hold First National Prayer Day for Creation
Evangelical leaders from several prominent organizations gathered on Capitol Hill Tuesday to pray, repent and sing about creation care.

Ariz. Pastor’s Worry: Criminalization of Ministry Work

Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Deal Deemed ‘Political Charade’

Recovering Porn Addict: Lord Is Not Shocked by Our Humanity

Runaway Teen Convert Rifqa Bary Battles Cancer

Texas Lutheran University President Resigns

Vote pending on ‘political payoff’
A law firm that defends and promotes Christian heritage and moral values says May 27 could be the date when the greatest military in the world is sacrificed as a political payoff to homosexual activists.

SNAP disappointed by Vatican, DOJ
An Oregon man abused by a priest has sued the Vatican and is now trying to get the U.S. Supreme Court to accept the case.

Another abortion bill vetoed
Oklahoma Gov. Brad Henry late Wednesday vetoed an abortion bill that would put strict limits on when private health insurers can cover the procedure.

The whistle is working
Operation Rescue’s whistleblower program is attracting helpful undercover information on abortion facilities.

‘Holy water’ accusation affects teachers

Some local ministers in Florida are coming to the defense of two teachers who have been removed from their classrooms and are under investigation for allegations they offended an atheist colleague.
Majority of Americans Believe Future of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Should be Left Up to Military Commanders, Zogby Poll Finds
– Fifty-nine (59) percent of Americans think military leaders, rather than Congress, should be making the decision about the military policy on homosexuality, according to a poll released Tuesday by the Family Research Center…

Senate Leader Reid: Some Republicans Call Unemployed Americans ‘Bums’ and ‘Hobos’
( –
As the unemployment rate in the United States approaches 10 percent, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said that some “on the Republican side” have called out-of-work Americans “bums” and “hobos.” He also said the unemployed are people who legitimately “cannot find work for long periods of time,” and he disagreed with those who suggest that unemployment is a “never-ending issue.”…

‘Synthetic’ Cell Research Isn’t Frankenstein Science, but Raises Troubling Questions, Analysts Say
– The recent report that scientists have created a “synthetic cell” for the first time has raised several questions about the societal and ethical implications of such technology…

Biden: $787 Billion Stimulus Bill Created ‘New Ideas on How to Spend Government Money Wisely’
– Heading up a Middle Class Task Force roundtable discussion on Wednesday, Vice President Joe Biden said that one of the benefits of the $787 billion stimulus package signed into law in February is that it has generated new ideas for dealing with economic problems, including unemployment…

Obama’s July 2011 Draw-Down Date for Afghanistan Sends Mixed Messages, Former Afghan Presidential Candidate Says
Washington (
– Dr. Abdullah Abdullah, a candidate in the 2009 Afghan presidential election, said the July 2011 date set by President Barack Obama for U.S. troops to draw-down from Afghanistan is problematic because it creates a perception of mixed messages about U.S. commitment to the country…

Brennan Names Al Qaeda and Affiliates as the Enemy, Silent on Hezbollah, Others
– President Obama’s counter terrorism advisor framed America’s enemy Wednesday as “al-Qaeda and its terrorist affiliates,” but said nothing about anti-U.S. Islamists not affiliated to the network led by Osama bin Laden…

Sebelius: Rationing Advocate is ‘Absolutely Right Leader At This Time’ to Run Medicare
– Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said on Wednesday that Dr. Donald Berwick, an advocate of health-care rationing nominated by President Barack Obama to run Medicare and Medicaid, is “absolutely the right leader at this time” to run the government’s largest health-care entitlement programs…

As Harvard Law Dean, Kagan Did Not Require Study of U.S. Constitutional Law But Did Require Study of International and Foreign Law
– Elena Kagan, President Barack Obama’s choice to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice John Paul Stevens on the Supreme Court, is best known for moving Harvard Law School away from the 100-year old “case-law method” of legal study…

Democrats’ War Funding Amendment Would Allow Homosexuals to Serve in Military
( –
Democrats in the both the House and Senate are trying to amend the 2011 war funding bill to allow gays, lesbians, and bisexuals to serve in the military, a move opposed by the heads of all four branches of the armed services…

Senate Considers Union Pension Bailout
– A Senate committee will consider on Thursday a bill introduced by Sen. Robert Casey (D-Pa.) that critics say would create a taxpayer-backed bailout of multi-employer pension funds that are in critical financial condition…

Homeland Security Subcommittee Chairman: ‘I Want To See A Little More Than 1,200’ National Guard Troops at Border
– Rep. Henry Cuellar (D-Texas), chairman of the House Homeland Security Subcommittee on Border, Maritime and Global Counterterrorism, echoed the view of House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) on Thursday, telling that the 1,200 National Guard troops President Barack Obama is deploying to the U.S.-Mexico border are not enough to secure the region…

National Security Strategy Coy About Darfur Crisis
– The conflict in Darfur was given short shrift in the Obama administration’s first National Security Strategy, with a single direct reference that lays no blame for the enduring crisis…

Congress bows to gay agenda, repeals DADT
Congress has given in to pressure from gay activists and the White House and voted to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” ban on gays and lesbians serving openly in the military. (See House vote)

Lifting of another ban sought
The FDA has launched the process to lift the 27-year-old ban that prevents homosexuals from donating blood.

Perspective: Play a fiddle, watch it burn
Homosexual activists and their allies (like Barney Frank) are muscling their agenda through Congress — with nary a peep from the nation’s conservative talking heads.

Nobama on Memorial Day
President Obama is under fire for deciding to skip the annual Memorial Day ceremony at Arlington National Cemetery.

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Cyrus….
A Christian mother and author has written an open letter to the parents of Miley Cyrus about the career path the young star is on.

House Votes to Repeal DADT Despite Military Opinion
The U.S. House voted Thursday to repeal the “don’t ask, don’t tell” law that bars gays and lesbians from serving openly in the military.

Anglican Head Reprimands U.S. Church over Lesbian Bishop

Jewish Group Condemns WCC ‘Anti-Israel’ Peace Week

Mosque Plan Near 9/11 Site Is ‘Indecent,’ Says Ex-Muslim

Megachurch Pastor Ed Young Recovering from Surgery

Trial over ‘Insulting Turkishness’ Again Yields No Evidence

Don’t ‘protect’ children from truth
A California bill opposing Christian ideals in social studies textbooks has passed a 6-2 vote and is making its way into the Senate.

Iowa’s same-sex union isn’t marriage
A report that homosexuals are streaming into Iowa to get married is not entirely accurate.

Kagan’s past still raising concerns
Americans United for Life is expressing fresh concern over President Obama’s nominee for the U.S. Supreme Court.

No Muslim prayer room
A German court says that a Berlin high school doesn’t have to provide a 16-year-old Muslim student with a private room to pray in during school hours.

The atheist and the Illinois cross
A Chicago-area atheist is unhappy that $20,000 in state money is going to an 11-story cross on southern Illinois’ highest point, and he wants the landmark’s overseers to give the money back, or be sued.

Another graduation prayer, another investigation
The ACLU of Montana is asking the state Board of Regents to investigate whether the invocation and benediction given during the Montana State University-Northern graduation ceremony unconstitutionally promoted Christianity.

Forum helps Christians vote biblically
A conservative activist says the tide on the West Coast may turn to favor conservative voters if they choose to vote in accordance with their values, and he is providing them a tool to utilize in the primary election.

Don’t ‘protect’ children from truth
A California bill opposing Christian ideals in social studies textbooks has passed a 6-2 vote and is making its way into the Senate.

Child’s trachea healed by adult stem cells
Adult stem cells, which do not involve the killing of a human embryo, have proven useful in yet another area of medical treatment.

Newslinks 05/02/10

May 2, 2010 at 6:30 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Task Force pulls out of Pentagon prayer event
An official with the National Day of Prayer Task Force believes the strongest military force in the world has bowed to pressure from a small group of people who oppose prayer at the Pentagon.

Republicans target Obama hometown
Republicans believe they’ve seen this movie before: Campaign ads blanketing the airwaves. Money from national political parties flowing in. And polls showing their candidate virtually tied with the competition.

Husband, state victimize SD woman
A South Dakota woman is fighting to have her name removed from a child-abuse registry.

Mississippi legislators form prayer group
Mississippi lawmakers may be at odds over the state budget, but they overwhelming agree on one thing — prayer.

Obama Administration Sends Mixed Message on VAT as Fiscal Commission Prepares First Meeting
Washington (
– As President Barack Obama prepares to kick off his National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform on Tuesday, the administration continues to send mixed messages on whether it supports imposing a European-style value added tax on top of all existing taxes to help cover the federal government’s $1-trillion-plus deficit spending. While the official line from the White House is that the president is not considering a VAT, comments by the president and administration officials seem to leave the door open to the possibility.

Obama’s Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax
– When President Obama asked former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and Democrat Erskine Bowles to chair his debt commission in February, he told them to consider any and all ways to reduce the federal deficit. Bowles told Fox News Sunday that “the president looked Senator Simpson and me in the eye and he said, ‘Everything is on the table.’ So we are going to look at every single way to right this fiscal ship,” Bowles said.

Senate Panel Previews Electronic Health Technology
– The Senate Committee on Aging offered a preview of the government’s future role in health care on Friday, showing how Americans will interact with doctors and other health care providers in a wired world. The demonstration offers a glimpse at an overlooked effect of health care reform.

Republican Lawmaker Will Enter EPA’s Video Contest to Show the Downside of Federal Regulations
– Rep. Marsha Blackburn says she will enter an Environmental Protection Agency contest intended to promote the benefits of government regulation. But Blackburn says her video entry will show that government regulations have negative consequences. “We were astounded to learn that the EPA was launching such a contest,” the Tennessee Republican told

Iran Drops Bid for Human Rights Council Seat, Eyes Women’s Rights Body Instead
– Iran has confirmed it will no longer run for a seat on the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Council. Instead, it aims to become a member of an international women’s rights body – although it’s not clear which one. The prospect that Iran – with the support of other Asian states – will take a seat on a body charged with promoting the rights of women is certain to stoke controversy.

Hamas Film Clip Portrays Kidnapped Israeli Soldier Returning Home in a Coffin
– Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu described as “despicable” an animated video clip released by Hamas on Sunday which shows an Israeli soldier who was abducted by the terrorist group in Gaza nearly four years ago, being returned to his father in Israel in a coffin. The clip demonstrated “the true character of Hamas,” Netanyahu said. The three-minute clip implies that if the Israeli government does not agree to a prisoner swap, then Gilad Shalit will be killed.

GOP Bill Would Empower Border Patrol to Secure U.S.-Mexico Border without National Guard Help
– Legislation recently introduced by House Republicans would “prohibit the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture from taking action on public lands which impede border security on such lands, and for other purposes.” The bill’s supporters believe that, if it is passed, it will allow the U.S. Border Patrol to secure the southern border without the assistance of the National Guard.

La Raza President: Immigration Bill ‘Would Make Living in Arizona a Police State’ for Hispanics
– The head of the National Council of LaRaza pleaded with Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Thursday not to sign into law a bill that could become the toughest immigration statute in the nation. “It perpetuates the fantasy that we can detain and deport millions of people from our country as a solution to our immigration problems and it propagates the notion that immigrants who are working hard in the Arizona economy are a criminal element to be rounded up and incarcerated,” LaRaza President and CEO Janet Murguia said during a telephone news conference.

Graham’s snub reflects Obama’s influence
Pentagon advisor Bob Maginnis doesn’t think evangelist Franklin Graham would’ve been disinvited to speak at a prayer event in Washington, DC, if George W. Bush were still in the White House.

Perspective: How to stop a runaway train
Having utterly failed to derail the message of the tea party, the left has declared an all-out war on the tea partiers themselves.

Muslims a ‘protected class’ in U.K.
An author and leading critic of Islam believes two recent incidents in Britain illustrate that Muslims are quickly becoming a protected class in that country.

Feds viewing porn on gov’t computers
At the Securities and Exchange Commission, some staff members have been keeping a watch on more than Wall Street.

‘Earth Day’ wrongly emphasizes idolatry
A Christian astrophysicist says the move to “go green” may be going too far.

Vatican Backs Intestinal Stem Cell Research Initiative
The Vatican is throwing its support behind a new international research initiative to explore the therapeutic potential of intestinal stem cells.

GMO: Potential There to Reach World with Gospel by 2020

North Korea Freedom Week 2010 Kicks Off

Methodists Step Outside Pews to ‘Change the World’

New Ariz. Immigration Laws Won’t Work, Say Church Leaders

Liberty U Taps Glenn Beck to Address Class of 2010

Obama Visits Billy Graham for First Time
President Obama visited Billy Graham for the first time on Sunday when he briefly met the elderly evangelist at his North Carolina home.

Most Americans Say Judges Are Anti-Religious

‘Pinpricks’ of Truth Making Way into North Korea

Global ‘Sanitation and Water for All’ Partnership Welcomed

Church Planter Fired Over ‘Beer and Bible’

Christian Video Site Revived by ‘Popular Demand’

Obama Launches His Fiscal Commission; Republicans Call It A Front for Tax Hikes
– President Obama’s deficit-reduction commission will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, and there are no restrictions on its eventual recommendations: “Everything has to be on the table,” Obama said on Tuesday. That means tax hikes and entitlement cuts are possible.

Poll: Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month
– “Support for repeal of the recently-passed national health care plan remains strong, as most voters believe the law will increase the cost of care, hurt quality and push the federal budget deficit even higher,” says a new Rasmussen poll.

U.S. Postal Service Facing ‘Major Financial Crisis,’ Report Says
– Failure to achieve a “major restructuring” of the U.S. Postal Service “will increase the risk that taxpayers and the U.S. Treasury will have to provide financial relief,” says a recent report from the Government Accountability Office. “USPS is facing a major financial crisis,” projecting a record loss of over $7 billion in fiscal year 2010, says the April 22 GAO report.

Lawmaker Calls for Hearings into Pentagon’s ‘Politically Correct’ Decisions to ‘Disinvite’ Conservative Christian Leaders
– A conservative Republican congressman from Georgia is calling for congressional hearings to investigate actions by the U.S. military in recent weeks to cancel or rescind invitations that had been made to two prominent conservative Christian leaders — Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins — to speak at military prayer events.

Screenwriter Andrew Klavan: Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ in Hollywood
– Screenwriter and author Andrew Klavan said that in Hollywood, “(i)f you’re a conservative, especially a religious person, people have to meet in secret. They talk in whispers. It’s a very disturbing kind of culture.” Klavan, in an exclusive interview with, said that he and fellow conservatives in Hollywood are battling the liberal status quo by creating entertainment that reflects the values held by the majority of Americans.

Joe Scarborough: ‘Saving the World for Moral Reasons’ Is ‘the Republican View’
– Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, now host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said if the “moral argument” to combat climate change has not convinced enough Americans to believe in global warming, then “you do have to make the Machiavellian arguments” – in other words, place political expediency above morality to address the issue.

Re-Election of Sudan’s President Underscores Limits of International Court
– Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, the first sitting leader to be indicted for war crimes by an international court, has now become the first indicted leader to win re-election. His victory, the result of a flawed election, underlines the inability of the International Criminal Court to enforce its decisions.

As U.S. Base Dispute Drags On, Japan’s Prime Minister Languishes in Polls
– Eight months after his party’s historic election victory, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s popularity ratings sank to new lows this week, amid a drawn-out controversy over the relocation of a United States airbase. A mass rally on Okinawa Sunday, calling for the removal of the base, added to the pressure on the government.

SEC IG Probes Timing of Goldman Sachs Suit and Financial Reform Legislation
– Less than 30 minutes after the Securities and Exchange Commission announced its lawsuit against Goldman Sachs, the Democratic National Committee sent mass e-mails proclaiming that the action shows the need for passage of financial reform legislation — currently the top priority for President Obama. Many Republicans have questioned the timing of the lawsuit, and SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz has announced that his office will investigate whether SEC officials coordinated with political officials, something that would violate rules insulating the autonomous commission from political considerations.

Is U.S. military cowering before Muslims?
Concerned Women for America is appalled at the way the Pentagon appears more committed to appeasing Muslims, than allowing a high-profile Christian leader to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to members of the military.

Law school policy labeled ‘crazy’
A spokesman for a conservative legal group is taking note of the significance of a Supreme Court justice calling a law school policy “crazy.”

Perspective: Obama sends in the clowns
With a potential political bloodbath looming in November, liberals are understandably desperate. They see it all slipping away — and it shows.

Gore going for the green
The author of a new book says Al Gore’s mission to “go green” has nothing to do with global warming but everything to do with another green — the greenback.

Perspective: Filtering history
Those who mine history for sins are not searching for truth but for grievances that can be cashed in today at the expense of people who were not even born when those sins were committed.

Haitian Judge Clears 9 U.S. Christians of All Charges
Kidnapping and criminal association charges against 10 U.S. Christians who tried to transport Haitian children out of the country to an orphanage have been dropped.

Survey: Most Young People Are ‘Lost’ Despite ‘Christian’ Label

Most Americans Believe Jesus Speaks to Them

Presbyterians Consider ‘Strategic Plan’ to Grow, Overcome Tensions

Saving the ‘Wrongly Reached’ in the South

Faith of High Court Nominee Not Big Issue for Many Protestants

Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness
– A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen. The report was published by an inter-agency group comprised of scientists from the CDC, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Agriculture Department, EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

FEMA Saving Millions of Dollars by Turning Off Unused Cell Phones, Internet Lines
– FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate told a House subcommittee on Tuesday that his agency has ended “bad business” practices by turning off cell phones and shutting down Internet lines that have gone unused for years.

Hoyer Says Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law ‘Inconsistent’ with Civil Liberties
– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law is “inconsistent” with American legal traditions and civil liberties. Hoyer said that such active enforcement policies should not be included in upcoming federal immigration reform.

Chinese Naval Maneuvers Unsettle Its Neighbors
– A series of Chinese naval movements beyond its coastal waters this month has set off alarm bells in the region, prompting the Taiwanese military on Tuesday to hold a drill testing its response to an imaginary Chinese attack against its air bases.
Japan also has watched warily as Chinese war ships passed through international waters in the southern Okinawa island chain.

Ukraine’s Shift on Black Sea Fleet Is A Boost for Moscow
– Russian lawmakers on Tuesday quickly approved an agreement allowing the Black Sea Fleet to use a port in Ukraine for another 25 years, sealing a deal that caused an uproar in Ukraine while marking another strategic victory for the Kremlin in the region it once dominated.

Mojave cross will stay
The Supreme Court has said a federal court went too far in ordering the removal of a congressionally endorsed war memorial cross from its longtime home in California.

‘Enshrinement’ of sharia a major threat
A Protestant renewal organization is calling upon churches to confront Islamic law.

Army should expect to answer for dumping Graham
Senator Roger Wicker, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says he will question military officials about the recent snub of evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at a National Day of Prayer event at the Pentagon.

AZ’s immigration bill sees support, opposition
An immigration-enforcement political action committee is praising Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for resisting pressure from President Obama and illegal alien groups by signing a border-enforcement bill into law.

Perspective: How Mexico treats illegal aliens
To those who are protesting Arizona’s new immigration regulations: Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens.

Supreme Court Rules Mojave Desert Cross Can Stay
In a splintered 5-4 ruling, the justices said “the constitution does not oblige government to avoid any public acknowledgment of religion’s role in society.”

Muslims Want Franklin Graham Removed from Capitol Prayer

Evangelicals: Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Threatens Religious Liberty

Clinton Urged to Protect ‘Fragile’ Christian Minority in Iraq

Young Adults Wear Pro-Life T-Shirts This Week

Index Provider STOXX Caters to European Christian Investors

U.S. congressman: ‘Boycott my state!’
It’s outrageous, says an immigration reform activist, that a member of Congress would call for a boycott of his own state to support the interests of foreign nationals.

Pro-life bills survive governor’s veto
Following the lead of the state’s House of Representatives, the Oklahoma Senate has voted to override two pro-life bills vetoed by Governor Brad Henry — making the bills law in the Sooner State.

OK in VA to pray in Jesus’ name
Compliments of Governor Bob McDonnell, Virginia State Police chaplains can invoke Jesus during prayers again.

Perspective: Obama Double Standard Disease
ODSD is pandemic — and the major news media is seriously infected.

You heard it right … class credit for keeping quiet
A high school in New Hampshire recently awarded credits toward graduation for students who participated in a national school-based observance for homosexual rights.
Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens using Drugs Supplied by Mexican Traffickers
– Three Border Patrol agents are assaulted on the average day at or near the U.S. border. Someone is kidnapped every 35 hours in Phoenix, Ariz., often by agents of alien smuggling organizations. And one-in-five American teenagers last year used some type of illegal drug, many of which were imported across the unsecured U.S.-Mexico border. These facts are reported in the recently released National Drug Threat Assessment for 2010, published by the National Drug Intelligence Center, a division of the U.S. Justice Department.

Napolitano: U.S.- Mexico Border ‘As Secure Now As It Has Ever Been’
– Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, the former governor of Arizona, told a Senate panel Wednesday that she knows the U.S.-Mexico border “as well as anyone,” and “I will tell you it is as secure now as it has ever been.”

Some Democrats See Drugs and Border Security As ‘Distraction’ to Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Washington (
– Some congressional Democrats say concern about drug traffickers crossing the U.S.-Mexico border is distracting attention from the main issue of comprehensive immigration reform. “Sealing the border is not the entire issue,” Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) told Other Democrats declined to discuss drugs or border security. “Got to go, sorry,” one Democrat told Another Democrat told a reporter who asked about drugs and border security it was a “punkish” question.

House Committee Questions Legality of Drone Strikes against Terrorists
– The House National Security and Foreign Affairs subcommittee held a hearing on Wednesday to question whether using drones (unmanned military aircraft) to kill terrorists violates international law. The panel, comprised of four international law experts, was largely in agreement that the use of drones by both CIA and military personnel to kill terrorists is legal.

Military is Muzzling Chaplains and Others Who Support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy, Former Chaplains Say
– Arthur Schultz, a former Army chaplain who now is legal counsel to the National Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, told reporters that servicemen overseas have been told not to speak in support of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

White House Says President ‘May Not’ Break Tax Pledge in Effort to Reduce Deficit
– Everything must be on the table to reduce the massive federal deficit, President Barack Obama on said Tuesday. However, Obama did not address his campaign pledge to avoid raising taxes on households earning less than $250,000, and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the president “may not” break that pledge.

Iran Hopes to Shift Focus to Israel at U.N. Nuclear Conference
– As President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad awaits a visa to attend next week’s nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference in New York, Iran’s fellow Non-Aligned Movement members are finalizing plans to use the event to focus on Israel, not on Iran. Egypt is leading the drive to force Israel to come clean and dismantle a nuclear weapons arsenal whose existence it neither confirms nor denies.

White House Less Concerned about Religious Freedom, Report Says
Every year the issue of religious freedom is becoming less important to the White House and State Department, a bipartisan U.S. government panel complained in its annual report on Thursday.

Ex-Muslim Defends Franklin Graham’s Islam Remarks

Prayer Event Will Not Promote Anti-Gay Hate in Uganda, Ministry Assures

Movement Launches to Keep Ex-Prisoners ‘Out for Life’

Miles McPherson Tells Pastors: Pain Ain’t Going Away

China Moves Uyghur Christian Prisoner, Allows Family Visit

Hillary mum on Islam’s treatment of women
The nation’s largest public policy women’s organization is appalled that leading feminists, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, continue to give Muslims a pass when it comes to their treatment of women.

Political payback would ‘paralyze’ military
The Thomas More Law Center is encouraging members of Congress to defend the current statute that denies homosexuals eligibility to serve in the military.

Perspective: America’s selective salary policeman
Any doubts about Barack Obama’s ideological commitment to wealth redistribution and a command-and-control economy have evaporated.

Reversal of anti-Christian policy applauded
A pro-family group in Virginia is grateful to their new governor for taking a stand in defense of religious liberty rights — and that as a result, police chaplains in the commonwealth can resume praying in the name of Jesus.

Silence From U.S. and Its Allies Allowed Iran to Get Seat on U.N. Women’s Rights Body
– The United States and 12 other Western democracies kept silent this week as Iran was nominated for membership on the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women, thus enabling Iran to get the seat. Iran, whose treatment of women has drawn criticism from human rights groups, will now help set U.N. policy on gender equality and the advancement of women.

Arizona Congressman Who Represents Border District Walks Away When Asked If He’s Committed to Sealing Border Against Drug Traffic
– Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), who represents a congressional district that includes 300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, walked away when asked him whether he was committed to sealing the border against the influx of illegal drugs. He shouted back at the reporter that it was “punkish” to ask the question.

Rep. Blumenauer: Altering Roads for Pedestrians, Bicyclists Will Boost ‘Community Vitality’
– Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) said roads should be designed “to take into account all the needs of the community” and foster “balanced transportation,” which in turn makes it more desirable for people to go about their business and “participate in community vitality.”

Obama Gives Unions a ‘Massive Payback’ with Executive Order, Contractors Claim
– The nation’s non-union contractors, who constitute the bulk of the construction industry, say President Obama has given a “massive payback” to unions by issuing an executive order that will help them secure billions of dollars in construction contracts on public projects. Critics say the move is unfair to non-union workers who represent about 85 percent of the construction industry.

Census Still ‘Struggling’ With IT Problems That May Affect Count’s Accuracy
– The U.S. Census Bureau is still having problems with its computer system that handles the data for households that did not return a census form. However, the Census Bureau director said the system has successfully printed out the assignments for the enumerators who will conduct in-person interviews with households that did not mail in their forms.

Arizona Governor’s Approval Rating Jumps 16 Points After Signing Immigration Law
– With the media and the nation zeroed in on the immigration debate in the state of Arizona, Gov. Jan Brewer (R) received a 16-point bump in her approval rating after signing the current immigration bill into law. Most Arizonans welcome a new immigration law, as 64 percent support the current legislation.

Faith Groups Nationwide to Protest Ariz. Immigration Law
From New York City to San Jose, faith communities this weekend will be holding prayer vigils to urge federal lawmakers to quickly pass comprehensive immigration reform in light of the recent strict Arizona law.

Wycliffe, DOOR to Translate Bible for Deaf People Groups

More Christians Stepping Up to Orphan Care Challenge

Sports Stars, Christian Music Artists Headline Anti-‘Summer Hunger’ Effort

Evangelical Presbyterian Church Expresses Concern over PCUSA Report

Christian Relationship Counselor Loses Appeal Bid

Illegal immigrants sought in Arizona deputy shooting
Law officers backed by helicopters hunted gunmen in Arizona’s desert early Saturday after a sheriff’s deputy was wounded by suspected illegal immigrants believed to be smuggling marijuana, officials said. The violent episode came amid nationwide debate over the state’s tough new immigration law.

Arizona lawmakers make conservative moves
Across the country, they are known as the conservative lawmakers who are taking illegal immigration into their own hands.

Undercover probe reveals KY clinic’s violations
Live Action, a student-led pro-life organization, has released the full video of a Kentucky abortion clinic whose staff is alleged to have violated state law.

Study: Contraception tied to HIV
A study by the Population Research Institute shows that use of a contraceptive pill is linked to a higher chance of contracting HIV/AIDS.

SBC presidency hopefuls line up
Three clergyman will be in the running to become the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention at the denomination’s annual meeting.

17 illegals captured in search for deputy shooters
Authorities searching for drug smugglers who shot and wounded an Arizona sheriff’s deputy in the desert south of Phoenix said they captured 17 suspected illegal immigrants Saturday, including three who may have been involved in the incident.

Democrats see economy and Obama as election liabilities
Republicans are on offense in scores of House and Senate races as persistent economic woes and lukewarm support for President Barack Obama continue to weaken Democrats’ hold on Congress.

Election awareness campaign launched in California
A Christian attorney is reminding his fellow Californians that all that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

Lawsuit over Muslim scarf dismissed
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against a Michigan judge who was accused of violating a woman’s right to practice her religion when he told her to remove her Muslim headscarf.

Newslinks 04/25/10

April 25, 2010 at 3:00 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees


Negative policy comments not ‘racist’
A black Christian conservative activist says those who don’t support President Barack Obama’s policies are not racist.

‘Pro-life Democrat’ – R.I.P.
A conservative writer says the retirement of Congressman Bart Stupak is the official “obituary” for the phrase “pro-life Democrat.”

Perspective: The ‘pro-choice’ fraud exposed
Well done, Barack Obama…you’ve just proven something that pro-lifers have been fighting to demonstrate for 40 years: the abortion movement has never been about choice.

Obama’s goal? Socialism at all costs
Author Jerome Corsi says it will be very difficult to reverse the socialist policies of Barack Obama, even if Republicans take over control of Congress next year.

Family-friendly = box office-friendly
Family-friendly movies continue to make an impact at the box office, and some are even receiving critical acclaim. Continue Reading Newslinks 04/25/10…

Newslinks 03/28/10

March 28, 2010 at 1:46 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Catholic hospitals endorse Obamacare
A group representing Catholic hospitals Saturday rallied behind President Barack Obama’s health care bill ahead of a House vote in which pro-life lawmakers could play a decisive role.

Ohio upholds law, protects children from porn
The Ohio Supreme Court has upheld part of a state law designed to protect children from obscenity on the Internet.

Indiana student sues to stop prayer
The top-ranked senior at a suburban Indianapolis high school is asking a federal judge to stop a graduation prayer that the class voted to approve.

Iowa rep fights for personhood
A move to add a personhood amendment to the state constitution is under way in Iowa.

Poll: Abortion Support Falling among Young Adults
Over the last 20 years, support for legal abortion has continued to drop among young adults, a new Gallup poll shows. Continue Reading Newslinks 03/28/10…

Newslinks 03/07/10

March 7, 2010 at 4:31 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Military leaders face grilling on gay ban lift
Lawmakers this week will press the military’s top uniformed officers for the first time on whether they think repealing “don’t ask, don’t tell” makes sense or would be too disruptive.

Atheist sign = hate speech
A candidate for Illinois comptroller has sued the state over a decision related to the State Capitol building’s holiday display.

Oregon opens state’s largest abortuary
A sizable Planned Parenthood abortion facility is now open in Portland, Oregon.

Panel approves Bible classes for public schools
Kentucky may follow the lead of Texas and other states in allowing Bible classes to be taught in public schools.

Obama’s Envoy to Islamic Bloc Admits Controversial Statements About Supporter of Terror Group
– President Obama’s envoy to the Islamic bloc acknowledged Friday that he was accurately quoted in 2004 as calling the treatment of activist Sami al-Arian, then facing trial for supporting a Palestinian terrorist group, an example of “politically motivated persecutions.” “I made statements on that panel that I now recognize were ill-conceived or not well-formulated,” he said.

‘It’s About Jobs, Stupid!’ Says GOP Whip Cantor at CPAC
– House Republican Whip Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told a gathering of conservatives on Friday that government jobs overshadow the private sector and that to grow the economy the private sector must be allowed to flourish. Cantor made his comments at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) in Washington.

‘President Obama Has Lost His Mojo,’ Rep. Steve King Says
– Rep. Steve King (R-Ind.) told attendees at the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Friday that President Barack Obama has lost the political capital he hoped to cash in when he took the oath of office a little over a year ago. King said that between federal spending and government bailouts, the American people have lost faith in Washington.

Rep. Pence: Stop Using Taxpayer Money to Fund Planned Parenthood
– Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) earned a standing ovation at CPAc Friday when he said the United States has a moral obligation to the unborn, and that the time has come to stop funding Planned Parenthood with money from pro-life American taxpayers.

Disagree with the admiral on ‘gays’? No way!
Conservative military watchdog Elaine Donnelly says the chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff was “way out of line” when he recently asked troops if they supported repealing the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

Perspective: Time for new generation of black Americans
To the misfortune of blacks who put great hope in the redemptive powers of the Civil Rights movement, their leaders prematurely closed their Bibles.

Public option – a labor union payback – lives on
Just days before President Obama’s heavily touted healthcare summit, Senate Democrats are continuing their push for a government takeover of healthcare.

Via ‘accounting trick,’ taxpayers foot abortion bills
The number of abortion clinics in America continues to drop, but a mega-abortuary still receives government funding.

Survey: Obama Support Down among Christians
President Obama’s support among born-again Christians has decreased after a year in office, a new survey shows.

Investigators Arrest Two in Texas Church Arsons

Iran Arrests Evangelical Leader; Shuts Down Church

Wis. Presbytery Approves Ordination of Openly Gay Man

Calif. Pastor Weighs in on Abortion, Homosexuality, Woods’ Buddhism

FOTF President Pens Book on Real Strength

Breaking His Pledge? Obama Calls for Increasing Payroll Taxes on ‘Households’ Earning Less Than $250,000 A Year
– President Obama new health care plan calls for raising the Medicare payroll tax on some households earning less than $250,000, an apparent breach of his campaign pledge not to raise taxes on families earning less than that amount. The president’s plan also calls for increasing taxes on interest, dividends, annuities, royalties and rents.

Obama’s Proposal Includes Individual Health Insurance Mandate
– The health care plan proposed by President Barack Obama on Monday includes an individual mandate requiring every American to have health insurance, despite concerns from Republican lawmakers and legal experts that the provision is not constitutional. White House spokesman Robert Gibbs told that he is not aware of any legal review of this question by the White House.

Obama Administration Sinking Millions Into Government-Run Health Care for Children
– While Democrats and Republicans disagree on establishing a government-run health insurance plan as part of health care reform, such programs already exist – and are thriving. On Monday, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced that 10 states will share $100 million in federal grants to improve health care quality and delivery systems for children enrolled in Medicaid and in the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP).

Obama’s ‘New’ Health Care Plan Would Use Tax Dollars to Pay for Abortions
( –
Pro-life legislators and advocates said President Obama’s “new” health-care proposal, unveiled Monday on the White House Web site, would allow tax dollars to fund health plans that cover abortion.

Majority of Americans: Business Leaders Make Better Decisions to Grow Economy Than Government
– A majority of Americans say business leaders make better economic decisions than the government can, according to a new poll. Respondents were asked: “Which will do more to help the U.S. economy — decisions made by government officials to help the economy grow or decisions made by U.S. business leaders to help their own businesses grow?”

College Professors Are More Likely to Believe ‘Ten Commandments are Irrelevant Today,’ New Study Says
– Those who teach on American college campuses are more likely to agree with the statements “America corrupts otherwise good people” and “The Ten Commandments are irrelevant today,” according to a new study released Monday.

Pakistan Pressing U.S. to Turn Over Woman Convicted of Trying to Kill American Soldiers
– More than two weeks after a federal jury in New York convicted a Pakistani neuroscientist of attempting to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan, the case continues to infuriate Muslims in her native country who view Aafia Siddiqui as the victim of U.S. injustice and anti-Muslim discrimination. Pakistan’s president has raised the matter with U.S. officials, saying the early repatriation of Siddiqui in line with a prisoners’ exchange treaty could help to improve the U.S. image in Pakistan.

Iranians’ Support for Nuclear Program Cuts Across Political Lines
– As the U.S. and it European allies step up efforts to impose new U.N. Security Council sanctions on Tehran, the drive could play into the hands of supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei by providing an issue for conservatives and reformists to rally around. Even Iran’s opposition leaders support the Islamic regime’s right to pursue a nuclear program

Obama’s healthcare plan – ‘more of the same’
The nation’s largest faith-based association of physicians is weighing in on President Obama’s nearly $1-trillion healthcare proposal.

Perspective: Planned Parenthood and children’s sexual rights
Planned Parenthood evidently doesn’t hold religion in very high regard, calling it an “obstacle” to starting sexual health programs around the world.

In cahoots against abstinence
The ACLU has filed suit against USAID to obtain information about taxpayer-funded abstinence-only programs overseas and their connection with religion.

Obama’s budget – contempt for the wealthy?
Rick Dunham, an expert on charitable giving, has some sharp criticisms for President Barack Obama’s proposed budget.

Creation News: Design flaws in humans
Read the latest from Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum examining news from the biblical viewpoint.

Pro-Life Groups Reject Obama’s Compromise Health Care Plan
President Obama’s new compromise health care plan changes little and would still allow for federal funding of abortion, pro-life groups warned on Monday after the White House unveiled the proposal.

So. Baptists Called to Repent, Grip Reality of ‘Lostness’

Anglicans Propel Vision to Plant 1,000 Churches

Jewish Group: PC(USA)’s Israel Proposals Will Damage Relations

Top Protestant Bishop in Germany Caught Driving Drunk

Judge Issues Arrest Warrant for Ex-Lesbian Va. Mother

A Third of All U.S. Casualties in Eight-Year Afghan War Have Occurred Since Obama Ordered Escalation
– More than 300 U.S. soldiers have died in the war in Afghanistan since May 15, 2009, the day when the first major wave of new troops ordered by President Barack Obama arrived in the country. The 308 U.S. casualties in Afghanistan since then account for about a third of the total of 920 U.S. casualties in the eight-year war.

White House Spokesman ‘Not Sure’ If Obama’s Health Proposal Increases Taxes on Those Earning Less Than $250,000
– White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said he was “not sure” if the new health care proposal President Barack Obama released on Monday calls for increasing the Medicare payroll tax on households earning less than $250,000 a year, which would be an apparent breach of the president’s pledge not to raise taxes on people earning less than that amount. “I’d have to look through the proposal,” said Gibbs. “I’m not sure that’s correct.”

House Republicans Gave Obama Their Health Care Proposals Weeks Ahead of Thursday’s Summit
– Weeks ahead of Thursday’s “bipartisan” meeting on health care reform, House Republicans offered their ideas to President Barack Obama in a booklet presented to the president during his visit to the Republican Party retreat in Baltimore on Jan. 29. The 27-page booklet includes proposals on health care as well as six other issues Republicans consider vital to America’s continued prosperity: jobs, fiscal responsibility, open government and transparency, energy, savings, national security and fiscal reform.

Fifteen Years With No Global Warming Doesn’t Mean There’s No Global Warming, Says EPA Chief
– Fifteen years with no statistically significant increase in global temperatures does not mean that the human race is not causing the climate to change, EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson told on Tuesday.

White House Fails to Respond to Boehner’s Call for Resignation of Catholic-Bashing Obama Adviser
– The White House is not responding to questions about House Republican Leader John Boehner’s renewed call for the resignation of Harry Knox, a member of the President’s Advisory Council on Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships, who recently stood by his assertion that Pope Benedict XVI is “hurting people in the name of Jesus.” Boehner said at a Feb. 3 press briefing that he believes Knox is an “anti-Catholic bigot” who should not be a presidential adviser.

Sen. Udall Sees China As Impetus for U.S. Cap-and-Trade Bill
– Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) urged his fellow lawmakers to push ahead with “cap-and-trade” energy legislation and the creation of “green jobs,” saying that China is competition for the United States and does not “have to go through the democratic processes that we do.”

Criticism of Obama’s OIC Envoy Raises Questions About the Need for Such an Envoy
– President Obama’s decision to appoint an envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) has focused renewed attention on the Saudi-based body, and what role a U.S. envoy should play.

Small business odd man out in Reid’s bill
Senator Chuck Grassley says small businesses are the “job-creating machine” of the U.S. economy, yet the Senate majority leader’s jobs bill does not adequately help small businesses.

Grisly discovery at Penn. abortuary
State investigators have shut down a West Philadelphia abortion clinic for the second time in two days.

‘Virtual community’ for home schooling
The American Family Association has launched an online, virtual community for homeschool families.

PTC hopes to keep Stern off ‘Idol’
The PTC is asking the Fox Television Network to publicly state that shock-jock Howard Stern is not going to have a role on American Idol.

Feature: The cost of global-warming hysteria
Despite continuing Chicken Little-style cries of fear, the moral of the global-warming story remains the same: don’t believe everything you hear.

Judge Expected to Free Last 2 Baptist Volunteers from Jail
A Haiti judge is expected to free the last two American volunteers suspected of child kidnapping. Judge Bernard Saint-Vil said he would make his decision this week.

Ecumenical Head: Our Call Is to Carry the Cross

Multi-Site Churches Spreading in Post-Christian Europe

Report: U.S. Foreign Officers Need Religious Education

High Court Declines to Hear Ex-Lesbian Mother’s Appeal

Stephen Baldwin Fan Tries to ‘Restore’ Bankrupt Star

Healthcare summit in a ‘toxic’ setting
A healthcare reform expert says the White House and Democrats have created a “toxic” atmosphere in Washington for today’s healthcare summit by expressing their willingness to pursue the “nuclear option” to pass their healthcare legislation.

Complaint: Liberty U. engaged in ‘partisan politicking’
The IRS has been asked to investigate Liberty University for allegedly violating its tax-exempt status.

Muslim home schooling on the rise
A messianic Jewish leader sees pros and cons to Muslim children being home schooled.

From cyber-scared to cyber-savvy
A non-profit organization dedicated to keeping children safe online has launched a major initiative to get parents involved.

Faith, family films garner awards
The movies The Blind Side and Up have been recognized for their excellence by the Christian Film & Television Commission.

Obama Administration Did Not Consult Its Own Homeland Security Secretary Before Deciding to Try KSM in NYC
– Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano said she was not consulted before the decision was made to try 9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and other terror suspects in U.S. federal court in New York City. At a Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing on Wednesday, she also said she has not taken part in discussions since that decision was made, including any on whether the trials should be moved to another location.

Obama Administration Using Accounting Gimmicks That Would Make Enron ‘Blush,’ Republican Lawmaker Says
– Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) says the Obama administration is using an accounting “gimmick” in its budget by not including the debt owed by mortgage firms Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Hensarling has co-sponsored a bill that would require President Obama’s Office of Management and Budget to include the liabilities of Fannie and Freddie in the national debt calculation.

Rep. Hoyer No Comment On Tax Hikes in Obama Health Plan, Calls Idea ‘A Suggestion’
– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) would not say whether he supports a proposal from President Barack Obama to use certain tax increases to pay for health care reform. He described the idea as “a suggestion” at his weekly press briefing on Tuesday.

Rep. Hoyer Says No Set Deadline on Health Care Reform
– While Congress is scheduled to be in session for a month following Thursday’s bipartisan summit meeting on health care, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he can’t promise there will be any congressional action during that time. He described the Thursday’s summit as a conference.

Poll: 51 Percent of Americans More Afraid of Government Making Health-Care Decisions than Private Insurance Companies
– In a national telephone survey conducted last week, 1,000 likely voters were asked: “When it comes to health care decisions, who do you fear the most: the federal government or private insurance companies?” Fifty-one percent said the federal government, 39 percent said private insurance companies and 10 percent said they were not sure.

House Passes Bill That Would Create More Uncertainty for Insurance Industry
– By an overwhelming vote of 406-19, the House of Representatives on Wednesday passed a bill that would remove the longstanding federal anti-trust exemption for health insurance companies. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said the bill will provide more competition for the insurance industry. But one insurance industry trade group warned that the bill will have no practical effect, except to increase uncertainty – and litigation — for the insurance industry.

Sen. Specter and Sec. Clinton: Congressional Debate ‘Weakening’ America Abroad
– Senator Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both said that partisan debate in Congress has hamstrung President Barack Obama’s foreign policy efforts, and weakened America abroad. Specter also said that Congress should “be backing up” Obama, rather than fighting over his policies and appointments.

Specter Suggests Oval Office Meeting between Obama, Syrians, and Israelis
– Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.) on Wednesday suggested that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad be invited to the White House for a meeting with President Barack Obama and the Israeli leadership. Specter also suggested that such a “nudge” might entice the Syrian dictator to return to peace negotiations with Israel.

Syria Seems to Ignore U.S. Calls to End Its ‘Troubling’ Relationship With Iran
– Syrian President Bashar al-Assad welcomed Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to Damascus on Thursday, one day after Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told U.S. lawmakers that the Obama administration is urging Syria to move away from its “deeply troubling” relationship with Tehran. Meanwhile, press reports from Syria on Thursday quoted Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying that Arab nations will establish a Middle East “without Zionists and without colonialists.”

Killing Terrorists Should Not Be Condemned, Israeli Opposition Leader Says
– Israeli opposition leader Tzipi Livni wants the international community to stop criticizing the targeting of terrorists. ‘The fact that a terrorist was killed, and it doesn’t matter if it was in Dubai or Gaza, is good news to those fighting terrorism,’ she was quoted as saying.

SEIU Boss Open to Serving on Obama Deficit Reduction Commission, Supports More Deficit Spending
– Service Employees International Union (SEIU) President Andy Stern said he would be “honored” to serve on President Barack Obama’s proposed deficit reduction commission, after it was reported that the White House was considering him for the post. He went to Capitol Hill on Tuesday to push for additional deficit spending to stimulate job creation.

Germany’s First Female Protestant Head Resigns
Just months after becoming the first woman to lead the largest Protestant church body in Germany, Bishop Margot Kaessmann has resigned.

Campaign Gives Christians Megaphone to Support Gays

NCAA Removes Focus on the Family Ad from Site

Study: Belief in ‘Caring’ God Helps Relieve Depression

Pastor Breaks Islam Code for Christians

Christian Video Game Companies Left Behind Games, Digital Praise Announce Merger

Air Force Admits Conservative Leader was ‘Disinvited’ to Speak at Prayer Luncheon Because of His Views on ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’
– The U.S. Air Force admits that Family Research Council President Tony Perkins was “disinvited” from speaking at a national prayer luncheon held Thursday at Andrews Air Force Base in Maryland because of the conservative leader’s views opposing President Obama’s efforts to end “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell – the military policy on homosexuality. “The Chaplain’s Office retracted Mr. Perkins’ invitation after his recent public comments made many who planned to attend the event uncomfortable,” the Andrews base public affairs office said in a statement issued late Thursday.

First U.S. Envoy to the OIC Says the Position Does Have Value
– The first U.S. envoy to the Organization of the Islamic Conference, appointed during the last year of President Bush’s second term, believes the post is a valuable one and that his successor, named by President Obama this month, will do a good job. Cumber defended the position, saying “the OIC is the only forum where the U.S. can simultaneously interact with 57 Muslim-majority nations on the host of issues involving the Muslim world and the U.S.”

Muslims Furious Over Israeli Decision to Highlight Ancient Link
– A decision by the Israeli government to include a location with an almost 4,000 year-old link to the origins of Judaism in a list of 150 national heritage sites has sparked an uproar among Muslims – and drawn the disapproval of the Obama administration. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu insisted Thursday that the decision to include the Cave of the Patriarchs in Hebron on the list would not in any way change the status quo at the site, which has long been shared by Jews and Muslims.

Swine Flu Casualties Far Below White House Projections, Latest Mortality Data Show
– New statistics on fatalities from the H1N1 flu strain show that it is no longer a “pandemic” in the United States, and that fatalities in America never came close to the levels projected by the White House last fall. Outbreaks in North and South America are now at a low-level, the World Health Organization said.

Polls: Americans More Concerned With Arrogant Politicians and Bad Bills Rather Than Bickering and Gridlock
– According to a new Zogby poll, Americans are more concerned about seeing bad bills passed than getting nothing done, and more annoyed by politicians who think they are smarter than Americans than partisan bickering.

McCain rips Obama for ‘unsavory dealmaking’
A tense exchange during Thursday’s healthcare summit in Washington had the feel of a presidential campaign.

Perspective – Oba-Kabuki: A box-office bomb
The Oba-Kabuki healthcare show at Blair House kicked off with a big lie on Thursday morning — and it all went downhill from there.

Submarine ban on females may take a dive
Military readiness watchdog Elaine Donnelly disagrees with the recent decision by the Department of the Navy to lift a decades-old policy that prohibits women from serving aboard Navy submarines.

Veteran sees invitation to prayer luncheon yanked
Tony Perkins, a pro-family leader and military veteran, has been “dis-invited” to speak at a luncheon at Andrews AFB after he criticized President Obama’s call for lifting the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

Teachers appeal mass firings
The entire staff of teachers fired in a radical attempt to improve one of the worst performing high schools in Rhode Island plans to appeal their dismissals to school authorities.
Barring Critic of Obama’s Gays-in-Military Policy From Prayer Meeting Is Attack on Free Speech, Conservatives Say
– Conservative leaders and members of Congress expressed outrage Friday that the Air Force had blacklisted Family Research Council President Tony Perkins from speaking at Andrews Air Force Base because of his position on the military’s don’t ask, don’t tell policy. Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.), a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, told that he’s “disappointed” the Air Force would “un-invite” Perkins because of his positions.

Napolitano: People From Countries Tied to Terrorism Could ‘Potentially’ Enter USA;  Reports Show Thousands Already Have
– Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano told senators on Thursday it was a national security concern that people from countries with ties to terror could “potentially” gain entry into America by crossing the country’s southern border. Her remarks on “special interest” persons came after Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) asked her about the ongoing violence in Mexico and the possibility of that violence spilling over into the United States.

Pence Says Obama Needs to Fire Catholic-Bashing Adviser
– Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) says the time is “long overdue” for President Barack Obama to fire Harry Knox from the White House Advisory Council for Faith-Based and Neighborhood Partnerships because of the “vehement anti-Catholic statements” Knox has made.

Pelosi Says She’s Running ‘Most Ethical’ Congress Ever, But Won’t Ask Rangel to Resign Chairmanship—For Now
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi — who pledged to run the most ethical Congress in history — noted that the ethics committee is looking into other issues involving Rep. Charles Rangel (D-N.Y.), and she made it clear that she will wait for the outcome of those investigations before taking action against her colleague.

U.K. Conservatives See Lead Erode As Election Approaches
– The Conservative Party’s hopes of returning to power for the first time in 13 years took a blow Sunday with a poll giving it the narrowest lead over the ruling Labor Party in two years. The British election will feature live, televised U.S.-style leader debates, and it was reported last week that former White House communications director Anita Dunn has been hired to help Tory leader David Cameron prepare for the three 90-minute encounters.

In Continuing Defiance of U.S., Syrian President Meets With Leaders of Iran and Hezbollah
– After scorning the Obama administration’s appeals to move away from Iran, Syrian President Bashir Assad late last week disregarded another appeal from Washington by holding talks with Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah. As the administration prepares to send an ambassador to Damascus for the first time in five years, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a Senate hearing last week that Assad’s close relationship with Iran and his support for Hezbollah in Lebanon were among the issues on which it was pressuring Assad.

Obama plan favors unionism
A union watchdog group believes an Obama administration plan for government contracting would be harmful to small businesses and lead to further compulsory unionism.

Perspective: We need green money, not green jobs
The beauty of the left is that facts will never get in the way of ideology. Take the “green jobs” movement, for example — one of Barack Obama’s babies.

Dissident Lutherans forming new denomination
A new Lutheran denomination is being formed for congregations opposed to the homosexual-friendly policy of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

NCAA nixes family ad, Focus ‘befuddled’
The NCAA has withdrawn Focus on the Family’s banner ad on its website, apparently because of the organization’s stance on homosexual relationships.

Perspective: Race-baiting the Super Bowl
The old adage says that religion and politics don’t mix. Someone needs to tell FOX Sports writer Jason Whitlock that sports and politics don’t either

Iraqi Christians Protest Killings
Hundreds of Iraqi Christians on Sunday protested against the recent flare up of violence against them in northern Iraq.

EU Moves to Protect Rights of Persecuted Christians

Lawsuit Settled; 77-Foot Cross to Go Up

Utah Bill Criminalizing Illegal Abortions Sparks Debate

Deceased Man Leaves $1.2M to Salvation Army

Shane Claiborne: Faith Not Excuse to Get into Heaven

ACORN workers cleared in NYC pimp video
ACORN employees caught on video advising a couple posing as a prostitute and her boyfriend to lie about her profession and launder her earnings did not commit a crime, the Brooklyn District Attorney’s Office said Monday.

HUD study – a ‘classic attempt’ to create a crisis
The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development is preparing a first-ever study of alleged housing discrimination against homosexuals.

Medicaid – the ‘ghetto of our healthcare system’
Healthcare reform expert Grace-Marie Turner warns that the healthcare legislation Democrats are pushing will be a major expansion of a welfare program that is already being administered poorly.

Perspective: Alice in healthcare
Nothing would lower costs medical costs more than having each patient pay those costs — and nothing is less likely to happen.

Fox anchor anchored in Jesus
Kelly Wright, an anchor with the Fox News Network, believes Jesus Christ is the only true hope for America.

White House Not Ready to Deny Democrat’s Claim That Administration Offered Him Taxpayer-Funded Job If He Wouldn’t Run Against Sen. Specter
– White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said Monday he would have to “check on it” before he could deny Rep. Joe Sestak’s (D-Pa.) claim that the administration had offered him a high-ranking job in the administration in exchange for not mounting a primary challenge against incumbent Sen. Arlen Specter (D-Pa.), who switched parties last year, briefly giving the Democrats a 60-vote majority in the Senate. “So, at this point, the White House is not ready to deny what Sestak said?” asked Gibbs. “No. I think I said I would check on it, on the situation,” said Gibbs.

Mexican Drug Cartels Active Nationwide, Obama Administration Officials Say
– A senior Obama administration official said on Monday that Mexican drug cartels are being targeted inside the United States more than along the border with Mexico, echoing remarks last week by Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano that cartels are operating throughout the country. Assistant Secretary of State David Johnson made the remarks at a State Department press briefing when asked if the plan to combat drug trafficking and money laundering around the world included dealing with Mexican drug cartels in the United States.

First Lady Credits School Cafeteria Programs for Bolstering National Security
– First Lady Michelle Obama on Monday told a school nutrition conference that individuals who work in school cafeterias across the country not only educate and feed children, but help to strengthen national security.

Inhofe Ranked Most Conservative Senator, Sherrod Brown Most Liberal
– Sen. James Inhofe (R-Okla.) is the “most conservative” member of the Senate, and Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) is the “most liberal,” according to National Journal magazine. The National Journal reached its conclusions by analyzing the votes of all the U.S. senators on economic, social and foreign policy issues in 2009.

Individual Mandate in President’s Health Care Plan Apparently Violates Obama’s Tax Pledge
– The Senate health care bill included a financial penalty for anyone who goes without health insurance coverage for any month of the year, and if President Obama’s bill does the same thing, it could violate his pledge not to raise taxes on any American making less than $250,000 per year.

Only 34 Percent Support More Financial Regulations, Survey Shows
– Only 34 percent of Americans say the government should impose further regulations on the country’s financial industry, according to a Rasmussen Reports survey published on Feb. 26. The survey also revealed that a plurality – 47 percent – oppose more government regulation of banks and investment houses, a figure that has declined slightly from the 52 percent opposition observed in December 2009.

‘Descendants of Mohammed’ Confront Newspapers Over Cartoons, Demanding Apologies and Eyeing Lawsuits
– After securing an apology from one Danish newspaper for publishing a cartoon satirizing Mohammed, a Saudi lawyer now plans to confront another 15 newspapers, filing lawsuits against them if necessary. Faisal Yamani says he is acting on behalf of eight Muslim organizations representing “descendants of Mohammed.”

New Website to Give Citizens Cash Incentive to Hold Public Officials Accountable
– The new Web site, “,” aims to generate tips from the public on displays of arrogance by elected public officials at all levels of government, with cash prizes to the best submitted examples.

Abortion Ban Does Not Mean More Maternal Deaths, Chilean Study Finds

– Initial findings by a biomedical researcher examining the drop in maternal deaths in the last 50 years in Chile challenges the claim made by global abortion lobbyists that broad abortion laws are necessary to guard women’s health. “This study provides evidence that the legal status of the therapeutic abortion is not related with maternal mortality reduction.

Stupak Rejects Hoyer’s New Claim That Senate Health Bill Bars Funding of Abortion
– Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), sponsor of the successful amendment to the House health care bill that prohibits federal funds from going to any health care plan that covers abortions, rejected the assertion made Tuesday by House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) that the Senate health care bill prohibits federal funding of abortion. This is important because President Obama’s current plan to enact health-care reform requires the House to pass the Senate bill, a bill that Stupak has said he will not support.

Justice Department Won’t Name the Attorneys Who Worked on Terror Cases Despite Request From GOP Senators
– After a conservative group posted a video on Tuesday calling for the Justice Department to release the names of department lawyers who previously worked on cases involving terror suspects, a DOJ spokesman responded with a statement that still does not name the attorneys. Republican lawmakers have raised conflict-of-interest concerns about lawyers who represented or advocated on behalf of Guantanamo Bay detainees before joining the Justice Department.

Sebelius Accuses GOP of Using ‘Politics of Obstruction’ on Health Care
– Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius told physicians and others at the American Medical Association conference in Washington that President Barack Obama will not start from scratch on health care legislation and will “move forward” to get a bill passed. She said there was “overlap” of what Republicans and Democrats want in health care legislation, including the elimination of waste and fraud in the government-run Medicare and Medicaid programs, but Sebelius said Obama and Democrats are still dedicated to universal health care.

New Calls for Obama Administration to Add Venezuela to Terror-Sponsor List
– Accusations about links between the Venezuelan government and terrorists in Colombia and Spain add weight to calls to designate Venezuela as a state sponsor of terrorism, a Latin American specialist said Tuesday. Heritage Foundation scholar Ray Walser was commenting on claims by a Spanish prosecuting judge that President Hugo Chavez’s government had assisted two terror groups that plotted to assassinate Colombian President Alvaro Uribe.

Obama Administration’s Stance on Falkland Islands Dispute Seen As Betrayal by Some in U.K.
– The Obama administration’s decision to not to back Britain in its dispute with Argentina over the Falkland Islands has left British commentators pondering the state of the “special relationship.” Standing alongside Hillary Clinton in Buenos Aires on Monday, Argentine President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner expressed the desire to negotiate with Britain over the islands. Clinton agreed with her host that the two countries should “sit down” and negotiate. She also did not rule out a U.S. role.

Global-Warming Scientists ‘Need to Go Back to Square One,’ Rep. Barton Says
– Global warming has not met scientific criteria, and scientists need to find a theory that matches the facts, Rep. Joe Barton (R-Texas) said Tuesday at the U.S. “This whole theory of global warming is just that: It’s a theory. It’s based on models.”

Rep. Boehner Defends Sen. Bunning’s Reason for Blocking Benefits Extension As ‘Legitimate’
– House Minority Leader Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) defended Sen. Jim Bunning’s (R-Ky.) hold on a $10-billion extension in unemployment and other benefits, saying the senator has “a legitimate argument.” Democrats just passed pay-go legislation, and not even a week after the president signed it into law, they want to exempt the first bill that comes across the Senate floor,” Boehner said.

Judge rules against religious expression
A judge in Montana has ruled against a high school valedictorian who was not allowed to speak at her graduation ceremony because she wanted to give God credit for her success.

Mail delivery – time for open competition?
The U.S. Postal Service is making bleak predictions about its financial future, leaving many observers to wonder if a taxpayer bailout is in the offing since Congress sets many of the rules the agency operates under.

Rifqa’s immigration status tenuous
A former Muslim, now a Christian pastor, is concerned that 17-year-old Rifqa Bary could be deported back to Sri Lanka when she turns 18 if she is unable to get approved for permanent U.S. residency.

Chaplain Corps threatened by policy change
A pro-family leader and former military officer is very concerned about the future of the U.S. military Chaplain Corps if President Obama is successful in ending the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

Parenting: Breaking the cycle of teen drug abuse
Don’t ever think that a treatment program or rehab is a “cure.” It’s just a fresh start down the road to recovery.

Luis Palau to Preach to 20,000 at Chinese Megachurch
American evangelist Luis Palau will preach to an overflow crowd of up to 20,000 people at a megachurch in mainland China this month.

High Court Denies Request to Block D.C. Gay Marriage

Shirley Dobson Dismissed from Lawsuit against National Prayer

Prominent Conservative Unseated in Texas Ed Board

Judge Urges Teen Convert, Muslim Parents to Reconcile

Human Rights Group Seeks Freedom for Converts to Worship in Muslim World

God of Islam is ‘biggest terrorist’
The son of a Hamas leader who helped Israel’s security forces kill and arrest members of the Islamic terrorist group says he’s not afraid to die. Mosab Yousef is now a convert to Christianity.

Wildmon steps down
Rev. Don Wildmon, the founder of the American Family Association, has resigned as chairman following a lengthy illness — but he’s not setting aside his passion for families and the pro-family movement.

Bible Belt school policy under attack
A battle is brewing in a North Mississippi community over the upcoming high school prom.

Perspective: ‘Paygo means paygo’
In February, President Obama told Congress it must “pay for what it spends, just like everybody else.” All Sen. Jim Bunning did was hold fast to that.

Pastor predicts Obama’s first term will be his last
A conservative black pastor and activist believes President Barack Obama is on course to be a one-term president.

Dems Advance Obama’s Nominee for Justice Department Post, Despite GOP Opposition to Her Pro-Abortion, Anti-War Views
– The Senate Judiciary Committee on Thursday voted 12-7 along party lines for the full Senate to cast an up-or-down vote on Dawn Johnsen to head the Office of Legal Counsel at the Department of Justice. Republicans say Johnsen’s past activism with liberal groups and her pro-abortion stance disqualify her for the post.

Geneva Summit Will Focus on Countries Mostly Ignored by UN Human Rights Body
– When the U.N. Human Rights Council continues its month-long session in Geneva on Monday, a coalition of human rights groups will hold a parallel event focusing on some of the items kept off the HRC agenda by its powerful members. The human rights of Iranians, Cubans, Tibetans, Uighurs and Burmese will be the focus of the two-day Geneva Summit for Human Rights, Tolerance and Democracy.

Congressmen Rally Public’s Support to Stop Prosecution of Navy SEALs
– Members of Congress – this time armed with more than 100,000 signatures – renewed their call for top Pentagon officials to drop charges against three Navy SEALs for allegedly mistreating an al Qaeda terrorist suspected of killing four Americans in Iraq. “They should not be court martialed but hailed as heroes for doing their job,” said Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.) at an event outside the Capitol.

Rep. Boehner Rebuts House Speaker Pelosi’s Claim That Health Care Bill Doesn’t Fund Abortion
– “Under the Senate bill, everyone who buys a health policy at one of the so-called exchanges will pay a monthly abortion fee,” House Minority Leader John Boehner said on Thursday. “That goes into a fund to pay for elective abortions. Now, you can argue that this $1-per-month fee that everyone’s going to be charged isn’t a tax, but you try to explain that to the American people. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, at her weekly briefing on Thursday, repeated her position that the Senate bill does not fund abortion.

Hatch: Biden Will ‘Go Down in History as a Real Dolt’ If He Overrules Senate Parliamentarian
– Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said Vice President Joe Biden should not use his power as president of the Senate to overrule the Senate parliamentarian on the legitimacy of Democrats using a 51-vote majority to pass their health-care reform bill. Senate bills normally require at least 60 bills to pass.

Senate Republican Leader Won’t Say Whether Bunning Was Right or Wrong in Blocking Unemployment Extension Bill
– Sen. Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) wouldn’t say whether his fellow Republican colleague from Kentucky — Sen. Jim Bunning — was right or wrong in arguing that the $10 billion unemployment extension bill should not be passed unless it is paid for without adding to the national debt. “Well, we moved on to a new bill,” Sen. McConnell told on Wednesday.

Hatch: Media ‘Suckered’ Into Believing Democrats’ ‘Whining and Moaning’ About GOP
– Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) said the Democrats had “no reason to gripe” over Sen. Jim Bunning (R-Ky.) delaying a vote on a benefits extension bill earlier this week because they have “59 votes on their side” and can basically do what they want in the Senate.

Churches Unveil Plan to Ease Plight of Black Men
Three historic black denominations on Wednesday unveiled a new national plan aimed at keeping their young males out of prison and in school and church.

‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Repeal Introduced amid Opposition

Don Wildmon Resigns as AFA Chairman

Anglican Head Defends Uniqueness of Christ

Pastors Reveal ‘Aha!’ Moments in Ministry

Iranian Pastor Has Visible Marks of Torture, Says Wife

Is Obama buying votes?
A conservative congresswoman is calling for an independent investigation to determine whether President Obama is attempting to trade a federal judgeship for a vote in favor of his healthcare reform plan.

Perspective – The Obama way: Bluster, bully, bribe
Wherever did we get the impression that pay-for-play is the Obama way? Hmmm…let me count the ways.

Soldiers left out of policy change debate
A pro-family leader and former Marine says it will be up to people outside the military to voice concerns about the negative consequences of repealing the ban on homosexuals serving in the military.

Perspective – Don’t ask, don’t bleed
What’s changed in the debate over the homosexualization of the U.S. military? In truth, the only thing that has changed — thank you, Mr. Obama — is politics.

Hobby Lobby – a heart for health
A Christian-owned national retailer has just opened a health clinic for its full-time employees.

MacArthur Tells Christians: Don’t Fornicate with the World
“The church, if it is to be anything, it is to be absolutely distinct from the culture, absolutely distinct from the world, absolutely distinct from unbelievers,” said prominent author and evangelical pastor John MacArthur.

Christian Youths ‘Cry Out’ for Persecuted Believers

Episcopal Clergy Permitted to Wed Gay Couples in D.C.

Okla. Schools Closer to Offering Bible Course

Washington Bishop: Religion Is Fault Line in Many Conflicts

UK Churches Campaign for Nuclear-Free World

Son says Billy Graham still writing, counseling
Rev. Billy Graham has retired from preaching, but the 91-year-old evangelist is still writing books and offering spiritual counsel to callers and visitors.

Homeless congregation serves others
Rescue Atlanta is a church that focuses on inner city residents and the homeless, and their approach is unique and effective.

Church services halted at public housing unit
A Dallas church that has held Sunday worship service at a public housing apartment complex for the elderly for 14 years has been ordered to stop.

Men filing more sexual harassment complaints
The number of sexual harassment claims filed by men doubled over the last decade.

Soros manipulates euro – is U.S. dollar next?
Jerome Corsi suspects left-wing billionaire George Soros is trying to manipulate the euro as part of his goal of establishing a one-world currency and a one-world government.

Sunday’s Newslinks – 02/14/10

February 14, 2010 at 9:47 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

U.S. Baptists arrested in Haitian orphan incident
A group of 10 American Baptists were being held in the Haitian capital Sunday after trying to take 33 children out of Haiti.

A GOP bow to the Tea Party movement?
The Republican National Committee has adopted a rule that will prod GOP leaders to provide financial support to only those candidates who support the party’s platform.

Fortuneteller sues, claims discrimination
A Virginia fortuneteller is suing to overturn a Chesterfield County ordinance, saying it discriminates against her beliefs.

Muslim parents reject deal with Christian daughter
The Muslim parents of an Ohio girl who ran away from home claiming she feared harm for becoming Christian have rejected a deal meant to resolve the conflict.

U.S. Attorney Reviews Call for Probe of SEIU Activities with White House, Congress
– Federal prosecutors are reviewing a request for an investigation into whether Andy Stern, president of the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), violated the Lobbying Disclosure Act with his frequent visits to the White House and with members of Congress in 2009. Americans for Tax Reform has written to acting U.S. Attorney Channing D. Phillips of the District of Columbia asking for a probe.

SEC Ruling Requires Companies to Tell Shareholders If Climate Laws Are Bad for Business
– A new SEC ruling by would require corporations to inform their shareholders about the business risks and potential impacts of climate change legislation, environmental regulation, and international climate treaties. The ruling marks the first time the SEC has required companies to make such information available to shareholders, and one fiscal conservative told the ruling will benefit investors.

Congressional Salaries Should Not Go Up Until Federal Spending Is Under Control, Hatch Says
– While the Congressional Budget Office reported last week a projected $6 trillion total in new national debt over the next 10 years, Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) told that lawmakers’ salaries should not go up until Congress does a “really good job of getting budgetary spending under control.” Continue Reading Sunday’s Newslinks – 02/14/10…

Sunday’s Newslinks – 01/31/10

January 31, 2010 at 9:17 am | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Brown victory prompts political tremors in California
California Republicans have joined other party faithful across the country in celebrating the Scott Brown win in Massachusetts and believe it will be the political stimulus the GOP needs heading into this Fall’s election.

Study: Sexting a growing and dangerous problem
Pew Research Center has released results of a survey on “sexting,” the practice mostly among youth of transmitting nude or semi-nude pictures of themselves via cell phone.

Airline clerk appeals UK rulings banning crucifix
A Christian woman is asking London’s High Court to force British Airways to admit it was wrong in demanding she stop wearing a crucifix at work.

Ten Commandments monument in place at Okla. bank
A Ten Commandments monument that supporters want to put on the lawn of an Oklahoma county courthouse has been installed outside a bank for the time being.
Continue Reading Sunday’s Newslinks – 01/31/10…

Sunday’s Newslinks 01/24/10

January 24, 2010 at 9:36 am | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees


4 More Malaysian Churches Attacked; 1 Vandalized
Three more churches in Malaysia were targets of arson Sunday and another was vandalized in the latest wave of attacks on the country’s Christian minority.


Ugandan Lawmaker Refuses to Withdraw Anti-Homosexuality Bill

Aid Groups Urge Int’l Community to Help Sudan Keep the Peace

Prison Fellowship: High Rape Rate of Juveniles Unacceptable

Anglican Leader Calls for ‘Tougher Church’

Southern Baptist President’s Surgery Went ‘Great,’ Says Family

Tens of Thousands Sign Petition Urging Holder to Move KSM Trial from New York
– More than 60,000 people, including members of Congress and three former presidential candidates, have signed a petition calling on Attorney General Eric Holder to move the trial of Khalid Shiekh Mohammed (or KSM) from New York City to a military tribunal.
Continue Reading Sunday’s Newslinks 01/24/10…

Newslinks 01/10/09

January 10, 2010 at 12:32 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees


DHS Plans to Catch Only One in Four Travelers Committing ‘Major’ Criminal Violations While Entering U.S. on International Fights in 2010
– Documents produced by the Department of Homeland Security indicate that in fiscal 2010, the department is planning to catch only 26 percent of travelers committing major criminal violations while seeking to enter the United States through international airports. DHS documents also indicate that the department will fail to screen against law enforcement databases 15 percent of travelers entering the United States in 2010 through all official ports of entry.

Pro-Abortion Advocates Praise Abortionist, Blast Pro-Life Efforts
— The pro-abortion group NARAL Pro-Choice America is asking visitors to its Web site to cast votes for the person who has done the most for their movement. Nominations include abortionist LeRoy Carhart, who is one of the few to perform late-term abortions in his Nebraska clinic.

Combat-Related U.S. Military Deaths in Afghanistan Double Over Last Year, IEDs Major Cause
– There were 272 combat-related deaths of U.S. military personnel in Afghanistan in 2009, as this story went to press on Dec. 31. That number is more than double the 135 combat-related deaths in 2008. The majority of the combat-related deaths in 2009 were caused by roadside bombs, also known as improvised explosive devices.

More question legality of Senate healthcare bill
Constitutional historian David Barton says American courts would have to overturn their last 80 years of jurisprudence to uphold the constitutionality of the healthcare bill in Congress.

Senate abortion support may lead to legal battles
Healthcare reform could lead to court battles if the Senate bill becomes law.
Treasury lifts bailout cap
A regulatory policy expert says the Obama administration is pursuing an odd strategy designed to prop up the housing market – make even more bad mortgage loans.
Church votes to split from ELCA over homosexual clergy
The congregation of the First Lutheran Church of Harvey, ND, has cast the first of two votes to split from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America.

 Prospects rosy for adult stem-cell treatments
The past decade spelled success in research with adult stem cells.

Pray for America Campaigns Kick Off 2010

Rick Warren’s End-of-Year Plea Raises $2.4M for Church

Malaysian Gov’t to Appeal Christian ‘Allah’ Ruling

Obama Returns from Church-Less Christmas Vacation

Montana Becomes 3rd State to OK Doctor-Assisted Suicide

Report Finds Over 1,200 Crimes Against Churches in 2009

U.S. Pastors Encouraged to Join Nat’l Marriage Week Effort

Pastor Chuck Smith to Be Released from Hospital

Ministry Launches Effort to Plant Prayer Rooms Across All U.S. Colleges

Muslim Mob in Pakistan Wounds Christian Family

Obama’s 2010 budget includes ‘poverty traps’
Remember when candidate Barack Obama said he wanted to “spread the wealth around”? One researcher suggests he’s been successful in doing that.

Perspective: The faith of Tebow, the ire of the left
The media’s secular left already dislikes Tim Tebow’s public faith. Think about their reaction if he shows up in a pro-life Super Bowl ad…

A fine line – sex offenders in church
A North Carolina judge has struck down part of a state law restricting activities of registered sex offenders.

NARAL recognition a badge of honor
A national pro-life group views its recent recognition as a distinct honor.

Is Napolitano on the ropes?
Immigration reform proponent William Gheen is calling for the resignation of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano in the wake of the attempted hijacking of a U.S. airliner Christmas Day. Time to replace Napolitano (commentary by Star Parker)

Car Bomb Explodes Near Iraqi Church; Dozen People Injured

Malaysian Gov’t Appeals Ruling on Christian ‘Allah’ Use

U.K. Teacher Suspended after Offering to Pray for Student

Stephen Baldwin Takes His Faith to the Celebrity Big Brother House

Moody Bible Institute, Michigan Theological Seminary Complete Merger

Homeland Security’s National Operations Center ‘Unable’ to Do Its Job, Inspector General Finds
– The Homeland Security Department’s National Operations Center (NOC) is “unable” to do its job of ensuring coordination among the 22 federal agencies that make up the Department of Homeland Security and focuses too much on disaster management rather than terrorism prevention, according to its own inspector general. After Hurricane Katrina, “the NOC began to dedicate most of its resources to emergency management rather than terrorism prevention. Many NOC staff contend that this shift in focus is detrimental to NOC intelligence and law enforcement functions,” the report says.

Pro-Life Advocates Plan to Protest Opening of Largest Abortion Clinic in U.S.
– A coalition of pro-life advocates and religious leaders plans to gather in Houston on Jan. 18 to oppose what is expected to be the largest abortion clinic in the country. Planned Parenthood is renovating a former bank into a 78,000 square foot facility, which will include a surgical wing equipped to provide late-term abortions. “It’s an abortion super center,” one pro-life activist said.

White House to State AGs: No ‘Legitimate Constitutional Concerns’ in Senate Health Care Bill
– The White House on Tuesday dismissed the concerns of 13 state attorneys general about the constitutionality of a clause in the Senate health care bill that singles out Nebraska for special treatment when it comes to covering the cost of expanding Medicaid coverage. “I have not seen the letter from the attorneys general” but “I do not believe that anybody has legitimate constitutional concerns about the legislation,” said White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs.

Pelosi Pledged to Give Public ‘Ample Amount of Time’ to Read Final Health Bill
– While Nancy Pelosi is now dodging a request from C-SPAN CEO Brian Lamb to open up House-Senate negotiations over the final version of the health-care bill so C-SPAN’s cameras can show them to the public, back in July she pledged she would give the public an “ample amount of time” to read the final bill before brining it to a vote. Listen to her say it.

Democrats and Republicans Oppose Obama Move Giving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Unlimited Funding
– Democrat and Republican lawmakers alike are blasting the Treasury Department’s Christmas Eve announcement that it will send unlimited tax money to failed mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, thereby eliminating the current $400 billion cap on emergency aid that Treasury can give without having to come back to Congress for authorization. This means Treasury can continue to manage the companies, which were seized last year, until the end of President Obama’s current term.

State Department Using ‘Diversity Visas’ to Encourage Immigration to U.S. from Terror-Ridden Yemen
–The State Department has awarded 1,011 special “diversity visas” allowing Yemeni nationals to immigrate to the United States since 2000, the year of the terror attack on the USS Cole in the Yemeni port of Aden. The “diversity visas” are designed to encourage immigration from countries that do not otherwise send significant numbers of people to the United States.

Control-conscious Dems seek unorthodox route
Congressional Democrats will apparently bypass a conference committee in order to get healthcare reform passed more quickly.

Perspective: Obama and the Vampire Congress
Instead of a promised ethical and transparent administration, Democrats have delivered a creepy legislative environment that could double as a Twilight movie set.

Sour notes – ‘homophobia’ and music ed
The Illinois Family Institute is weighing in on an intriguing article that appeared in the December issue of the Music Educators Journal.

Restrictive home school legislation up for vote
New Hampshire lawmakers are set to vote on a bill that one attorney has described as “the most anti-home school legislation ever conceived” in that state.

Schools agree to end Bible distribution
Public school officials in Wilson County, Tennessee, have agreed to stop distributing Bibles to students during the school day on school grounds.

Persecution List: N. Korea, Iran Top Oppressors of Christians

Churches Called to ‘Do Something’

Southern Baptist Pastor Counters 2012 Doomsday ‘Prophecies’

Orthodox Christmas Marked Amid Protests in Bethlehem

Best Christian Workplaces Announced for 2010

U.S. Embassy in Nigeria Had ‘Major Problems,’ State Department Inspection Found
– The most recent State Department inspection, conducted in 2002, found that the U.S. consulate in Lagos was “in serious trouble” due to chronic staff shortages, while the U.S. embassy in Abuja relied primarily on junior staff, contract employees, and State Department retirees on temporary assignment to fill “key positions.” The report found that the lack of key staff hampered any and all “substantial progress” at the embassy, preventing it from making improvements in any of its functions.

U.S. Paid for Full-Body Scanners at Nigeria’s Four International Airports in 2007
– The four international airports in Nigeria are equipped with full-body scanners — the same technology that the United States and other countries are now scrambling to put into place following the attempted bombing of an American airliner on Christmas Day by a Nigerian terrorist. The scanners in Nigeria were paid for by the United States and installed in 2007, according to the State Department’s 2008 Country Reports on Terrorism.

One in Five Gitmo Suspects Returns to Terror, Pentagon Finds
– A Defense Department spokesman told reporters on Wednesday that Pentagon officials are working to declassify a report showing that almost 20 percent of the prisoners released from Guantanamo Bay in Cuba are either confirmed or suspected to have engaged in terrorism again. That’s almost double the recidivism rate reported in December 2008.

Less Than One Percent of ‘Known or Suspected Terrorists’ Were Put on ‘No Fly’ List
– As of one month ago, less than one percent of the people designated as “known or suspected terrorists” by the U.S. government had been put on the “No Fly” list that the Department of Homeland Security uses to screen air travelers, according to data provided to the Senate Homeland Security Committee on Dec. 9.

Man in Charge of Analyzing Terror-Threat Info Did Not Interrupt Ski Vacation After Attempted Airplane Bombing, Report Says
– President Barack Obama did not interrupt his Hawaiian vacation when a Nigerian man tried to blow up a U.S.-bound airliner over Michigan on Christmas Day, and neither did Michael Leiter, the director of the U.S. National Counterterrorism Center. Leiter — appointed by President George W. Bush — was mentioned Thursday on cable TV outlets as someone who eventually may be fired as a result of the major security breach.

Ray Stevens’ Song ‘We the People’ Becoming Anthem of Tea Party Movement
– Grammy Award-winning music artist Ray Stevens has recorded a song that is fast becoming the anthem of the Tea Party Movement.
“We the People” is about Obamacare and the health-care reform bills that have passed both houses of Congress.

Brit Hume: Media Backlash Over His Remarks to Tiger Woods About Christianity Reflects ‘A Double Standard’
– Fox News analyst Brit Hume said he was “not surprised” by the media backlash over his remark that Tiger Woods look to Christianity for help in redeeming his personal life. Hume says there is a “double-standard” when it comes to speaking publicly about Christianity versus other religions.

Obama appoints transgendered LGBT activist
President Obama has named Amanda Simpson to a post in the Commerce Department, making Simpson perhaps the first-ever transgender appointment in a U.S. presidential administration.

Jesus Christ – ‘two most explosive words,’ says Hume
Fox News analyst Brit Hume says he doesn’t regret urging Tiger Woods to become a Christian so the golfer can find forgiveness for marital infidelity.

Perspective: Sarah Palin – Wrong prescription for America?
The former GOP VP candidate isn’t smart enough to be president, you say? Not articulate enough? Has poor judgment? Don’t get me started…

‘Wrecking ball’ wrong approach to reform
The president of a non-partisan seniors’ advocacy group says two U.S. senators who decided not to seek re-election are the first victims of a senior citizen tsunami.

War on terror primarily a ‘war against young Muslim men’
Terrorism expert Robert Spencer disagrees with the premise of a newly released U.S. government study on homegrown terrorism that contends extremism is contrary to the true teachings of Islam.

Obama Administration Underestimated the Immediate Threat Posed by ‘Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula’
– President Obama and his White House counterterrorism adviser on Thursday accepted responsibility for attempted terror attack on Christmas Day that could have knocked an airliner out of the sky over Michigan. “We didn’t know [al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula] had progressed to the point of actually launching individuals here,” John Brennan said Thursday. “We knew that they sought to strike the United States and that they were recruiting operatives to do so,” Obama said.

Obama Declares America ‘At War’ with Al Qaeda, Offers New Security Initiatives
– President Barack Obama is directing all intelligence to be “distributed more rapidly and more widely” among federal agencies; he wants greater integration of intelligence analysis; and he’s order security agencies to immediately add more people to the terrorism watch list, specifically the “no fly” list.

More Independents Choosing ‘Conservative’ in Obama’s First Year, Survey Says
– According to a compilation of all Gallup political identification surveys from 2009, 40 percent of Americans identified themselves as conservatives, more than the 36 percent who answered moderate and far more than the 21 percent who answered liberal. The percentage of American Independents who identified as conservatives – 35 percent – increased at the fastest rate in 10 years between 2008 and 2009.

Catholic Bishops Launch New Push for Immigration Reform, Pathway to Citizenship
– The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) is launching a new push to get immigration-reform legislation enacted in 2010. The group backs a Democrat-sponsored bill that grants a pathway to citizenship for people who came to this country illegally.

Pelosi ‘crazy,’ ‘very confused’ on church teachings
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s recent interview with Newsweek Magazine is creating a stir in the pro-life community.

Children best served by mom’s lesbian relationship?
An official with the Illinois Family Institute says it’s outrageous that a judge has permitted a mother to take her children from their dad in order to move in with her lesbian partner.

‘Obama Doctrine’ detrimental to U.S.
National defense analyst Frank Gaffney agrees with the assessment of former House Speaker Newt Gingrich that Americans are less safe than they were a year ago when Barack Obama took office.

Perspective: To profile or not to profile
Observing strange behavior is a legitimate and needed part of law enforcement and airline security. It is not “profiling.”

U.S. missionary’s NK incursion: Publicity stunt?
An advocate for persecuted Christians calls U.S. missionary Robert Park’s incursion into North Korea on Christmas Eve a “publicity stunt” that’s likely to do more harm than good.

N.J. Senate Rejects Same-Sex Marriage Bill

World Vision: Anti-Gay Bill Could Undermine HIV/AIDS Work

Egyptian Police Arrest Suspects in Drive-By Church Shooting

Tetrapod Footprint Discovery Busts Evolutionary Paradigm, Says Biochemist

Christian Retailers Target Mega-Retailers in Federal Probe

California gay marriage opponent fears for his life
An outspoken gay marriage opponent serving as an official litigant defending the state’s ban on same-sex weddings on Friday asked a judge to remove him from the lawsuit because he feared the trial would generate publicity that could endanger him and his family.

Pro-life group scrutinizing Catholic charity
American Life League is challenging the Catholic Campaign for Human Development and the Archdiocese of San Francisco.

Churches attacked amid ‘Allah’ dispute
Malaysian officials say attackers have fire-bombed one church and tried to set another ablaze amid a growing conflict over the use of the word “Allah” by non-Muslims.

Fellowship trains to fight slavery
The Polaris Project is bringing the next generation into the anti-slavery and anti-trafficking movement.

U.S. missionary’s NK incursion: Publicity stunt?
An advocate for persecuted Christians calls U.S. missionary Robert Park’s incursion into North Korea on Christmas Eve a “publicity stunt” that’s likely to do more harm than good.


Newslinks 10/17/09

October 17, 2009 at 6:30 am | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Saturday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Health Bill Would Make It Harder to Deduct Medical Expenses, but That Won’t Affect Middle Class, Democrat Claims
– A Democratic member of the Senate Finance Committee claims that a provision of the Senate health-reform bill will not make it more difficult for middle-class Americans to deduct medical expenses on their tax returns. But Sen. Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) says that is because “most Americans” don’t itemize their income tax deductions.

Pro-Life Democrats May Block Health Bill If Pelosi Won’t Allow Vote on Abortion Funding Ban
– Rep. Bart Stupak (D-Mich.), co-chairman of the House Pro-Life Caucus, told that Democrats who oppose government funding of abortion will try to block the health care reform bill from coming to a vote on the House floor unless House Speaker Nancy Pelosi allows a floor vote on an amendment that would explicitly prohibit abortion funding. “There are many of us Democrats in the House who are philosophically, legally, and morally opposed to public funding for abortions,” Stupak told in a statement.

Scientists Rebut Claim That Man Causes Climate Change
– A small group of determined scientists gathered in a Senate office building Friday to present evidence backing their claim that climate change is caused by nature, not man, and that carbon dioxide is not a pollutant but the hope for a greener planet. Continue Reading Newslinks 10/17/09…

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