Newslinks 06/20/10

June 20, 2010 at 1:25 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Papers Reveal Kagan’s Thoughts on Partial-Birth Abortion, Religious Freedom
As a Clinton White House counsel, Solicitor General Elena Kagan said she felt it was best to let doctors decide when a “so-called partial-birth [abortion] procedure” was necessary.

Fla. Gov. Vetoes Pro-Life Bill

Christian Health Care Sharing Requires More Than Religion

Defending Christianity’s Place in U.S. Against ‘Anti-Faith’ Attacks

Pope Ends Year for Priests With Apology for Abuse Scandal

Salem Web Network Acquires,

Carter’s method still ineffective, says analyst
A national defense analyst and former State Department official to the Bush administration says Barack Obama is on the road to re-Carterizing America.

Homegrown terrorist threats
A homeland security expert thinks Americans should be concerned with the increase in the number of U.S. citizens being radicalized” to Islam, often with a Somali connection.

Perspective: Slouching towards jihad
Why is it that Americans suffer the foolishness of political correctness that tells us we should celebrate the growth of Islam here in America?

Dems confused by Greene’s victory
An almost unknown candidate stunned Democratic Party leaders when he scored a primary victory in South Carolina last week and beat out Charleston councilman and former judge, Vic Rawl.

Rosenberg: Three options to deal with Iran
Author Joel Rosenberg doesn’t think the latest round of sanctions against Iran will be effective in halting the country’s nuclear program.

Library of Congress’ Bob Hope Exhibit Showcases Political Activism More Than Comic’s Legacy
– A new exhibit at the Library of Congress is dedicated to the memory of entertainer Bob Hope, but it focuses more on politics than it does on the legacy of a movie star who used his talents to support the U.S. military around the world. The overall theme of the exhibit is political protest and activism – something that, by all accounts, Hope avoided even as he became a regular at the White House over the course of 11 presidencies.

Pelosi: BP Should Suspend Ads as Well as Dividends Until Claims are Paid
– House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) says BP should stop running ads promising  pay claims in the Gulf and also stop paying out corporate dividends until it actually pays claims to families and businesses affected by the Gulf oil spill.

Bob Tyrrell on ‘After The Hangover’: Liberals and Conservatives Are Almost Not the Same Species
– In his new book, “After the Hangover: The Conservatives’ Road to Recovery,” R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., editor-in-chief of The American Spectator, talks about the difference between conservatives and liberals, the origins and ideals of the Conservative Movement, the significance of the Tea Party movement, and the impact the new media is having on the ability of conservatives to circumvent the liberal media.

Arab States Grant Legitimacy to Hamas
– The head of the Arab League visited Gaza on Sunday, effectively ending the Arab world’s isolation of Hamas and placing the league at odds with the U.S view that Hamas should be shunned until it renounces violence and recognizes Israel. Arab League chief Amr Moussa held talks with Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who called the visit “historic” and predicted it would advance the campaign to end Israel’s blockade of Gaza.

Iran, Pakistan Push Ahead With Gas Pipeline Deal
– Four days after the U.N. Security Council approved fresh sanctions against Iran, the Iranian and Pakistani governments on Sunday finalized a multi-billion dollar deal under which Iran will supply natural gas by pipeline to its eastern neighbor for 25 years. To win Chinese support, the watered-down U.N. sanctions resolution does not target Iran’s pivotal energy sector.

Florida Governor Vetoes Bill Requiring Pre-Abortion Ultrasounds, Says They Do Not ‘Change Hearts’
– “There are many medical or fiscal barriers that could be placed upon a woman in order to prevent her from following through on her constitutionally protected decision to end pregnancy,” said Florida Gov. Charlie Crist as he vetoed a bill that would have required a woman to undergo an ultrasound before having an abortion.

No Time for Passive Youth Ministry, Says Urban Leader
Youth are being empowered in gangs and dying in the streets, yet many churches are giving teens nothing more than the role of passing the offering plates every fifth Sunday.

Anglican Church of Canada Accepts Diversity on Same-Sex Issue

Bible Groups Forge Alliance to Spark Bible Reading Revival

Bishop Expects to See Half of Nigerians Evangelized

Suspicious Actions Follow Murder of Pastor in Assam, India

Al-Qaida-Linked Militants Behead 3 Filipino Christian Loggers

Muslim group suspended
The University of California, Irvine, has suspended a Muslim student group for at least a year because of loud heckling that disrupted a talk by Israel’s ambassador.

Freeze on drilling – more harm than good
Some analysts say President Obama’s six-month moratorium on existing offshore drilling and new permits could cause economic harm and even make the region dangerous.

Push launches for veterans in Congress
A veterans-oriented political action committee wants to increase the number of veterans serving in Congress — so it is getting behind the efforts of ten congressional hopefuls it believes have a great shot of winning in November.

Trial opens on Scouts’ Philly HQ
The Boy Scouts is on trial in Philadelphia — at issue is whether the Scouts’ policy on homosexuals allows them to remain in their longtime base of operations.

Perspective: Whatever happened to summer vacation?
Accelerated math, advanced French, online pre-college courses…have such activities for children replaced summer vacation?

State Dept. Changes Passport Policy to Accomodate People Who Change Gender, Even Without Surgery
– The U.S. State Department announced on its Web site last week that it is marking lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender “Pride Month” by changing its policy concerning gender change on passports. As of June 10, the State Department is no longer requiring that individuals provide proof that they have had sex reassignment surgery. The attending physician merely has to certify that the individual received “appropriate clinical treatment for gender transition.”

Obama Appellate Court Nominee Gave Lenient Sentences for Sex-Related Crimes
– The federal sentencing guidelines called for Matthew Dole, who pleaded guilty to possession of child pornography in U.S. District Court in Connecticut in 2006, to serve from 33 to 41 months in prison. However, U.S. District Judge Robert Chatigny sentenced him to one year and one day, followed by supervised release. In all, Chatigny — nominated by President Obama to serve on the U.S. Second Circuit Court of Appeals, departed from the federal minimum sentencing guidelines in six of the 12 child pornography cases he presided over, according to the Senate Judiciary Committee. His rulings in sex-related crime cases are a major point of contention against his nomination.

Obama Nominee for Deputy Attorney General Says 9/11 Attacks Not Acts of War, Likens Them to Domestic Crimes of Murder, Rape
– Despite a resolution by Congress authorizing war against those responsible for the 9/11 terrorist attacks, President Obama’s nominee to be the number two official at the Justice Department, James Cole, wrote an op-ed in 2002 likening the attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon to the domestic crimes of murder, rape and child abuse, while arguing that the attackers ought to be treated like domestic criminals.

Obama’s Science Czar on His Past Work: ‘If You Read It and You Have a Problem, You’re Misreading It’
– John P. Holdren, director of the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy and President Barack Obama’s top science adviser, said last week that his past work is a “stale topic” — and, “If you read it and you have a problem, you’re misreading it.” Holdren has co-authored works that called for a campaign to “de-develop the United States” and said people need to eventually face up to a “world of zero net physical growth.”

Obama Administration Breaking Its Promises on Health Care, Republicans Say
– The Obama administration on Monday issued a new regulation intended to discourage existing health care plans from reducing benefits or increasing costs to consumers. But Republican critics say the regulation will force a majority of the nation’s employers –small businesses – to abandon their current coverage, despite President Obama’s promise to the contrary:

Despite Democratic Control of Congress, Dems Evenly Split on Whether Incumbents Should Be Re-Elected, Poll Finds
– Democrats, who currently control both houses of Congress, are themselves evenly divided on whether the country would be better off if most incumbents were defeated, a new poll finds. Among all respondents, 65 percent said it would be better if most of them were defeated, while just 19 percent thought it would be better for most incumbents to win reelection. Another 16 percent were unsure.

Florida Gov. Crist Vetoes Bill with Anti-Obamacare Provisions
– Florida Gov. Charlie Crist vetoed a bill that potentially could have shielded Floridians from some of the most controversial aspects of the health care overhaul enacted in March.

New Claims of Collusion With Taliban Cause a Stir in Pakistan
– Pakistan’s government and military have angrily rejected new claims about close collaboration between Islamabad’s military intelligence agency (ISI) and the Afghan Taliban. Behind the allegations, some Pakistani commentators detect an agenda aimed at forcing their country to act against militants it has been reluctant to target.

Young Evangelical Takes So. Baptists Back to the Gospel
A young evangelical preacher known for his no-frills sermons didn’t go soft when it came to rebuking pastors who are preaching something other than the Gospel and those who are pretending to be godly.

Reformed Church Agrees to Discuss ELCA’s Pro-Gay Actions

Christian Groups Respond to Deadly Kyrgyzstan Clashes

Kenyan Church Groups Blame Gov’t for Rally Blasts

Brazil Ministry Reaches Out to N. Koreans During World Cup

God Makes Sense Even Amid Pain, Says Author

Rove: ‘Values voters’ expect value for their votes
Karl Rove says evangelical Christians are looking for candidates who will live out the values they espouse — and if they don’t find them, those believers will simply stay home from the polling places.

Perspective: Oil and snake oil
Leaders of other countries — allies and enemies alike — are interested in results, not rhetoric. Somebody close to Barack Obama needs to tell him that.

One more milestone in the Prop. 8 saga
Yet another chapter in California’s Proposition 8 unfolds today in a California federal court.

Religious billboards a nuisance?
Religious billboards along Interstate 65 in Kentucky have messages like “Jesus Died for Our Sins,” but they could cost the state federal road dollars.

Illegals leaving Arizona over new law
An immigration reform organization is pleased by a report that Arizona’s new immigration law is apparently already compelling illegal aliens in that state to leave.

Bachmann: Obama Exceeding Constitutional Authority in Ordering BP to Surrender Funds–‘It’s All About Extortion’
Washington (
– Rep. Michelle Bachmann (R-Minn.) said Tuesday that President Barack Obama is exceeding his constitutional authority in telling BP it must set up an independent fund, not controlled by the company, for compensating victims of the Gulf oil spill. She described the administration’s policy as an action “that’s all about extortion.”

State Department: African Americans Were Enslaved in Florida in Last Six Years
– Luis CdeBaca, U.S. ambassador-at-large for the State Department’s human trafficking office, said Monday that African Americans who are U.S. citizens have been enslaved in agricultural work in Florida within the last six years. CdeBaca spoke at a briefing after the State Department released its annual report on human trafficking.

U.S. Hails ‘Success’ at Human Rights Council After 29 Percent of U.N. Members Criticize Iran
– The Obama administration claimed a victory for American leadership at the U.N. Human Rights Council Tuesday after 56 countries – less than one-third of the total U.N. membership – supported a statement critical of Iran’s human rights record. HRC statements do not carry the weight of formal resolutions.

School Nutrition Bill Allocates $1 Million to Study How Government Can Restrict Food Ads Directed at Kids
– A recently introduced House bill proposes to spend $1 million to study how the government can restrict food advertisements aimed at children. The study would examine “all media through which foods and beverages are marketed to children in elementary and secondary schools,” including, but not limited to, book covers, school supplies, scoreboards, branded fundraising activities, and incidental exposure to food and beverage marketing through computer use.

Middle Class Is Abandoning Obama: He Gets Majority Approval Rating Only From Americans Making Less Than $24,000 Per Year
– According to the latest Gallup Poll, when the president’s approval is separated by incomes groups, it is only the lowest income bracket — those who earn less than $2,000 a month — that gives Obama a majority favorable approval rating, with 52 percent saying they approved of the job he is doing as president. Obama’s approval rating slides in other income brackets.

Obama’s Approval at All-Time Low, Says Gallup, Especially Among Church-Goers, Married People, Those Over 65
– President Barack Obama’s weekly approval rating is at an all-time low for his presidency (46 percent), according to the latest Gallup Poll, and it is especially low among those 65 or older, those who are married, and those who attend church every week. Obama’s highest weekly approval rating (67 percent) came in the week he was inaugurated.

Four Top Conservatives Win Prize for Outstanding Achievement
– Hundreds of conservatives will gather Wednesday night at the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, where the 2010 Bradley Prizes will be awarded to four top conservatives – with each winner to receive a quarter of a million dollars in prize money. This year’s recipients are columnist and political analyst Michael Barone; Wall Street Journal editorial page editor Paul Gigot; law professor Bradley Smith and Stanford economist John Taylor.

Hamas TV Losing Viewers Across Europe
– After a series of successes in its quest for diplomatic and popular support, the Islamist group Hamas faced a setback this week after French authorities ordered a halt to broadcasts in Europe by its Gaza-based television station. The move against Al-Aqsa Satellite Television is the latest accomplishment in a campaign first launched six years ago to target “terrorist media.” It came after the E.U.’s executive commission said the broadcasts were breaking E.U. directives prohibiting incitement to hatred or violence.

Two-Thirds of Americans Say They Are Angry at the Media
– A new Rasmussen poll found that 66 percent of voters describe themselves as at least somewhat angry at the media, including 33 percent who are very angry. The poll did not differentiate, however, between news outlets such as CNN and Fox News Channel.

Bryant Wright Named New SBC President
Atlanta-area pastor Bryant Wright was elected Tuesday to serve as the new president of the Southern Baptist Convention, the largest Protestant denomination in the country.

So. Baptists Adopt Major Changes to Tackle ‘Lostness’

Prop 8 Supporters Want People’s Vote Respected

‘Perfect Storm’ Threatens Gulf Coast as Hurricane Season Looms, Says Group

Family of 17-Year-Old Somali Girl Abuses Her for Leaving Islam

Artist Thomas Kinkade Arrested on Suspicion of DUI

Reports: Obama said he’s a Muslim
Two media reports are serving to fuel speculation about Barack Obama’s religious beliefs.

Mayors issue disapproval of AZ law
An immigration reform organization says despite a pair of resolutions supported by nearly 200 of the nation’s mayors, the vast majority of the American people support the Arizona immigration bill that officially becomes law next month.

Atheists invited to WH interfaith meeting
Student atheist leaders are bragging that they were recently invited to the White House to participate in a meeting on interfaith service projects on college campuses.

Church league denies team with lesbian coach
A prominent Southern Baptist church in the Memphis area is taking a stand for righteousness — on the ball field.

Perspective: Obama learns limits of gov’t
Here is the inconvenient truth, Mr. President: The more government regulates, the greater the incentive of the regulated to influence the rules.

Tea Party Movement Shouldn’t Focus Only on Fiscal Conservatism, It’s Also About Traditional Morality, Congressman Says
– Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.), the chairman of the House Republican Conference, said Americans are drawn to the Tea Party movement because it embraces traditional American morality, including the sanctity of life and the traditional definition of marriage as the union of a man and a woman. “[O]ur present crisis is not just economic and fiscal. It’s moral in nature,” Pence told a gathering of conservatives on Wednesday.

Health Secretary Spending $250 Million to Boost Ranks of Primary Care Providers
– A shortage of primary care doctors looms as one of the stumbling blocks for the Democrats’ new health care law. So Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced on Wednesday that her department will “invest” $250 million to help “train and develop” 16,000 new primary care professionals over the next five years.

Ex-Porn Star: ‘Porn Destroys Human Lives and is Destroying Our Nation’
– Illegal hardcore pornography is running rampant on cable television and the Internet — and federal prosecutions are virtually nonexistent. That needs to change, said a group of researchers and anti-porn activists who came to Capitol Hill this week. They’re calling on the Obama administration, Congress, and the Justice Department to boost enforcement of obscenity laws they say are being ignored.

Citing ‘A Sacred Obligation’ with the Troops,’ Petraeus Won’t Rule Out Asking for More Soldiers for Afghanistan
– Gen. David Petraeus told the Senate Armed Services Committee on Wednesday that it is his “sacred obligation” to U.S. troops to give the president his best military advice, and that as a result, he could never rule out asking for an increase in the number of troops in Afghanistan—even though President Barack Obama is committed to begin a withdrawal of U.S. troops from that country in July 2011.“I would never rule out coming back and asking for something more. I think that would be irresponsible.”

Kerry, Lieberman Not Worried Cap-and-Trade Bill Will Hurt Democrats
– Senators John Kerry (D-Mass.) and Joe Lieberman (I-Conn.) said they are not worried that their cap-and-trade plan might harm fellow Democrats going into the November elections, at a time when voters are more concerned about bread and butter issues such as the economy and the 9.7 percent unemployment rate.

As Pro-Palestinian Activists Gather in NYC, Jewish Group Urges State Dept. to Probe Their Links to Terrorism
– Tensions in the Middle East over the recent Gaza flotilla incident could surface in New York City on Thursday evening, when a pro-Palestinian group hosts flotilla activists at a public meeting, which Jewish activists have tried to thwart. Earlier this week, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York held a press conference with a group of New York lawmakers, urging the State Department to closely investigate anyone linked to the flotilla applying for a visa to visit the U.S.

Turkey May Not Send Its Ambassador Back to Israel
– Turkey reportedly may downgrade its diplomatic relations with Israel amid a continuing rift between the one-time allies over Israel’s deadly interception of a flotilla of ships headed for Gaza. Turkish media outlets cited official sources as saying Ankara’s ambassador, who was recalled following the May 31 incident in the Mediterranean, may not return to Tel Aviv, depending on Israel’s response to a set of Turkish demands.

More Americans Say They Want BP ‘in Charge’ of Cleaning Up Oil Spill Rather Than Obama’s Federal Government
– A USAToday/Gallup Poll asked 1,014 adults this question between June 11-13: “As you may know, BP is currently in charge of the efforts to control the oil spill and its effects on the ocean and coastal areas. Do you think the federal government should take over these efforts, or should BP continue to be in charge?”

Southern Baptists Denounce Oil Spill, Pro-Gay Bills, Divorce in Churches
On the closing day of their annual meeting, Southern Baptists approved resolutions denouncing those responsible for the massive gulf oil spill, opposing pro-gay legislations, and lamenting the “scandal of Southern Baptist divorce.”

Report: $1 Billion in Tax Dollars Given to Abortion Advocates

Obama Makes ‘Positive’ Step to Fill Religious Freedom Post

Group: Without Int’l Help, Niger Headed for ‘Humanitarian Tragedy’

Haiti’s Urgent Needs Require Worldwide Ecumenical Support, Say WCC Leaders

Christian Broadcasters Mourn Death of CTVN President Ron Hembree

FDA panel gives ellaOne a thumbs-up
A panel of the Food and Drug Administration has recommended approval of a new “morning-after” pill that could be dangerous.

Perspective: When opinions become laws
There is a world of difference between a person who chooses to go against God’s created order and the government enforcing these rebellious choices against God’s created order.

Europe’s rise of anti-Islam sentiment
Brigitte Gabriel is encouraged that an anti-Islamic party led by a controversial Dutch politician made a very respectable showing during the recent elections in the Netherlands.

Justice Elena ‘rubber stamp’ Kagan?
A judicial watchdog organization dedicated to ensuring a fair and impartial judiciary says Elena Kagan, if confirmed as the next Supreme Court justice, will be a “reliable rubber stamp” for President Obama’s liberal agenda.

Rights restored to Michigan pastor
A federal appeals court has granted an emergency motion to allow a pastor to distribute Christian literature to Muslims in Dearborn, Michigan.

FCC Moves to Regulate Internet–Even Though the Law Calls for Internet to be ‘Unfettered by Federal or State Regulation’
– The Federal Communications Commission voted on Thursday to begin the formal process of bringing the Internet under greater federal control — a move sought by both President Barack Obama and FCC Chairnman Julius Genachowski. The 3-2 party-line vote began the formal process of reclassifying the Internet as a telecommunications service instead of an information service. As a telecommunications service, the Internet would fall under a much broader regulatory scope.

Sen. McCain, Rep. Flake Introduce Bill to Allow Taxpayers to Voluntarily Help Pay Down the Federal Debt
Washington (
– Two members of Arizona’s congressional delegation have introduced legislation that would allow taxpayers to “earmark” up to 10 percent of their federal income tax liability to pay down the national debt. Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) and Rep. Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) held a news conference on Capitol Hill Thursday to promote their “Debt Buy-Down Act of 2010” in the House and Senate.

Mexico’s View of U.S. Worsens After Passage of Arizona Immigration Law, Says Global Attitudes Survey
– While other nations’ opinions of the U.S. “improved markedly” in 2009 in response to Barack Obama’s presidency, America’s favorability rating has tumbled in Mexico, apparently because of Arizona’s new immigration law, a new survey concludes. Sixty-two percent of the Mexicans interviewed from April 14-20 had a positive view of the U.S., compared with just 44 percent of those interviewed May 1-6, after the Arizona law was passed. “The inference that we can draw from that is, there’s a backlash in the United States as a consequence of this (Arizona) law,” said the survey’s director.

Biden Says ‘Ripple Effect’ From Last Year’s $787-Billion Stimulus Will Create Jobs This Summer
Washington (
– Vice President Joe Biden said Thursday that “ripple effects” from the $787-billion stimulus law President Barack Obama signed in February 2009 will create jobs this summer. “My point is that this summer, we’re going to see even more ripple effects,” Biden told reporters. Biden also answered questions about why the administration promised that unemployment would not reach eight percent if the stimulus passed, when in fact it has now reached 9.7 percent.

Obama ‘Green Energy Jobs’ Model–Communist China–Saw 5,983 Coal Miners Die in One Year, According to Greenpeace
– In his speech to the nation from the Oval Office on Tuesday, President Barack Obama cited one foreign nation—the People’s Republic of China—as a model for creating what he called “green energy jobs.” But the environmentalist group Greenpeace released a report in October 2008 that said China was the world’s “largest producer and consumer of coal,” making coal that nation’s largest source of air pollution, and that–in 2005 alone–5,938 people died in China as a result of coal-mining accidents.

Biden Predicts Energy Bill Will Pass Senate Amid Reports of Lame Duck Strategy
Washington (
– Vice President Joe Biden expressed confidence that the Senate would approve energy legislation, including cap and trade — which many critics view as an energy tax — even though Congress-watchers think the chances of such legislation passing this year are slim. “There is clear consensus out there that something has to be done,” Biden told reporters on Thursday. “All the folks on the [Capitol] Hill know we have got to do something about carbon emissions in the air and the amount of oil we consume from abroad.”

Gasoline Prices Declined for the Fourth Straight Month—Despite April Oil Spill and Beginning of Warm Weather
White House (
– Gasoline prices in the United States declined in each month from February to May of this year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, helping to keep inflation essentially flat during that period. At the same time, however, prices for food, services, and both new and used vehicles went up.

Hoyer Blames Financial Crisis, Oil Spill on Bush
– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) says both the financial crisis of 2008 and the Gulf oil spill stem from what he called the Bush administration’s anti-regulatory attitude.

Recent Inspection Finds Six ‘Areas of Concern’ in Census Head-Counting
– As the Census Bureau continues counting people who did not respond to forms delivered earlier this year, the procedures for asking questions about race and ethnicity are not being followed, says the Commerce Department’s inspector general. And that’s not the only problem, says a report dated June 11.

Former U.N. General Assembly President – a Critic of the U.S. and Israel – Will Provide ‘Expertise’ to U.N. Human Rights Council
– Miguel D’Escoto Brockmann, a Nicaraguan leftist and arch-critic of the U.S. and Israel, was set Friday to be appointed to the advisory committee of the U.N.’s top human rights agency. D’Escoto’s year-long presidency of the General Assembly was arguably the most polarizing in the organization’s history.

U.N. Report on Maternal Deaths Disregards Optimistic New Statistics
– A new U.N. report on maternal mortality includes a strong focus on ‘unsafe abortion,’ something pro-life critics view as part of an agenda to promote access to legal abortion as a human right. The report, by U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay, was presented to the U.N. Human Rights Council in Geneva early this week.

Expelled Christians Testify, Seek Return to Moroccan Kids
Eddie and Lynn Padilla made a commitment to take care of up to eight abandoned children in Morocco. They were raising four children – two of whom are biological – when they were charged with proselytizing the kids and kicked out of the country earlier this year.

Court Allows Pastor to Distribute Christian Literature to Muslims

Faith-Based Aid Group Presses Kyrgyzstan Gov’t for Safe Access

World Cup Official Prevents Player From Talking Faith

‘Professional Pastor’ Wants to Love Jesus Again

FDA Under Fire for New ‘Emergency Contraceptive’ Pill

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