A tool of what???

September 28, 2007 at 4:49 pm | Posted in Christianity | Leave a comment
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There is a new TV show called “Reaper” on the CW television network that urges others to “be one of Satan’s tools”.

 Can I just say something before going on? HOW ASININE!

 Does this network (A collaboration between CBS and Warner Bros.) think that this is something worthy of watching? What happened to all the shows that were family friendly during prime time? The network says that it is the only network that targets the 18-34 year olds. Um…I’m in that range and it doesn’t appeal to me at all. Am I in the minority on this? Are there hoards of 18 year olds out there seeking for a way to become a tool of Satan? How many people need that kind of  encouragement?

 The premise of the show is that a “20 something slacker” finds out that his parents sold his soul to the devil (THAT’S family friendly) and he then has an encounter with the devil on a neighborhood street. In this encounter, Satan tells the young man that instead of taking him to hell, he wants him to be a bounty hunter for souls that have escaped hell. He even gives the man powers to help him in his duty. Oh yeah…and if the slacker doesn’t do it? Satan’s going to take his mom…

 Has TV programming really fallen this low? Is there nothing on anymore that is worth watching? Not watching TV all that much , I usually miss most of this kind of garbage anyway. Where are the Christians in all this?

 The Bible says that we need to be alert and aware because we have an enemy that roams the earth seeking those that he can devour (1 Peter 5:8). It says that he comes only to kill, steal, and destroy those who live on the earth (John 10:10). The Bible makes it clear that since Satan’s fall from heaven (Ezekiel 14), he has been looking for ways to take as many people to hell with him as he can!

This idea that the devil is just a figment of our imagination or that he’s just a symbol for evil is an absolute lie. He is real and he’s doing all that he can to blind the eyes and minds of people all over the world. It’s time for the people of God to stand up and start speaking out against the lies, the false doctrines, and to start speaking the truth.

 The truth is, that without Jesus Christ as your personal Savior, every lie you’ve told, everytime you’ve stolen something (even if it was of little value), every time you’ve looked with lust, everytime you’ve hated someone will all be used against you as God look at your life and judges your sin. Without Jesus you have no way of ever being good enough to get into heaven. And, without Jesus, God will have to send you to a place that he never intended you to go. Hell was originally only for Satan and the angels that rebelled with him. If there is any human beings going there it is because they have not taken the freedom and life offered through Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross….

 Don’t be one of those people! Turn your life over to Christ and turn away from your sins. If you forsake your sins and follow Christ by doing what His Word says, you will find freedom to overcome all those things that you face!

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