Newslinks 05/02/10

May 2, 2010 at 6:30 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Sunday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

Task Force pulls out of Pentagon prayer event
An official with the National Day of Prayer Task Force believes the strongest military force in the world has bowed to pressure from a small group of people who oppose prayer at the Pentagon.

Republicans target Obama hometown
Republicans believe they’ve seen this movie before: Campaign ads blanketing the airwaves. Money from national political parties flowing in. And polls showing their candidate virtually tied with the competition.

Husband, state victimize SD woman
A South Dakota woman is fighting to have her name removed from a child-abuse registry.

Mississippi legislators form prayer group
Mississippi lawmakers may be at odds over the state budget, but they overwhelming agree on one thing — prayer.

Obama Administration Sends Mixed Message on VAT as Fiscal Commission Prepares First Meeting
Washington (
– As President Barack Obama prepares to kick off his National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform on Tuesday, the administration continues to send mixed messages on whether it supports imposing a European-style value added tax on top of all existing taxes to help cover the federal government’s $1-trillion-plus deficit spending. While the official line from the White House is that the president is not considering a VAT, comments by the president and administration officials seem to leave the door open to the possibility.

Obama’s Debt Commission Will Consider a Value-Added Tax
– When President Obama asked former Sen. Alan Simpson (R-Wyo.) and Democrat Erskine Bowles to chair his debt commission in February, he told them to consider any and all ways to reduce the federal deficit. Bowles told Fox News Sunday that “the president looked Senator Simpson and me in the eye and he said, ‘Everything is on the table.’ So we are going to look at every single way to right this fiscal ship,” Bowles said.

Senate Panel Previews Electronic Health Technology
– The Senate Committee on Aging offered a preview of the government’s future role in health care on Friday, showing how Americans will interact with doctors and other health care providers in a wired world. The demonstration offers a glimpse at an overlooked effect of health care reform.

Republican Lawmaker Will Enter EPA’s Video Contest to Show the Downside of Federal Regulations
– Rep. Marsha Blackburn says she will enter an Environmental Protection Agency contest intended to promote the benefits of government regulation. But Blackburn says her video entry will show that government regulations have negative consequences. “We were astounded to learn that the EPA was launching such a contest,” the Tennessee Republican told

Iran Drops Bid for Human Rights Council Seat, Eyes Women’s Rights Body Instead
– Iran has confirmed it will no longer run for a seat on the Geneva-based U.N. Human Rights Council. Instead, it aims to become a member of an international women’s rights body – although it’s not clear which one. The prospect that Iran – with the support of other Asian states – will take a seat on a body charged with promoting the rights of women is certain to stoke controversy.

Hamas Film Clip Portrays Kidnapped Israeli Soldier Returning Home in a Coffin
– Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu described as “despicable” an animated video clip released by Hamas on Sunday which shows an Israeli soldier who was abducted by the terrorist group in Gaza nearly four years ago, being returned to his father in Israel in a coffin. The clip demonstrated “the true character of Hamas,” Netanyahu said. The three-minute clip implies that if the Israeli government does not agree to a prisoner swap, then Gilad Shalit will be killed.

GOP Bill Would Empower Border Patrol to Secure U.S.-Mexico Border without National Guard Help
– Legislation recently introduced by House Republicans would “prohibit the Secretaries of the Interior and Agriculture from taking action on public lands which impede border security on such lands, and for other purposes.” The bill’s supporters believe that, if it is passed, it will allow the U.S. Border Patrol to secure the southern border without the assistance of the National Guard.

La Raza President: Immigration Bill ‘Would Make Living in Arizona a Police State’ for Hispanics
– The head of the National Council of LaRaza pleaded with Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer Thursday not to sign into law a bill that could become the toughest immigration statute in the nation. “It perpetuates the fantasy that we can detain and deport millions of people from our country as a solution to our immigration problems and it propagates the notion that immigrants who are working hard in the Arizona economy are a criminal element to be rounded up and incarcerated,” LaRaza President and CEO Janet Murguia said during a telephone news conference.

Graham’s snub reflects Obama’s influence
Pentagon advisor Bob Maginnis doesn’t think evangelist Franklin Graham would’ve been disinvited to speak at a prayer event in Washington, DC, if George W. Bush were still in the White House.

Perspective: How to stop a runaway train
Having utterly failed to derail the message of the tea party, the left has declared an all-out war on the tea partiers themselves.

Muslims a ‘protected class’ in U.K.
An author and leading critic of Islam believes two recent incidents in Britain illustrate that Muslims are quickly becoming a protected class in that country.

Feds viewing porn on gov’t computers
At the Securities and Exchange Commission, some staff members have been keeping a watch on more than Wall Street.

‘Earth Day’ wrongly emphasizes idolatry
A Christian astrophysicist says the move to “go green” may be going too far.

Vatican Backs Intestinal Stem Cell Research Initiative
The Vatican is throwing its support behind a new international research initiative to explore the therapeutic potential of intestinal stem cells.

GMO: Potential There to Reach World with Gospel by 2020

North Korea Freedom Week 2010 Kicks Off

Methodists Step Outside Pews to ‘Change the World’

New Ariz. Immigration Laws Won’t Work, Say Church Leaders

Liberty U Taps Glenn Beck to Address Class of 2010

Obama Visits Billy Graham for First Time
President Obama visited Billy Graham for the first time on Sunday when he briefly met the elderly evangelist at his North Carolina home.

Most Americans Say Judges Are Anti-Religious

‘Pinpricks’ of Truth Making Way into North Korea

Global ‘Sanitation and Water for All’ Partnership Welcomed

Church Planter Fired Over ‘Beer and Bible’

Christian Video Site Revived by ‘Popular Demand’

Obama Launches His Fiscal Commission; Republicans Call It A Front for Tax Hikes
– President Obama’s deficit-reduction commission will hold its first meeting on Tuesday, and there are no restrictions on its eventual recommendations: “Everything has to be on the table,” Obama said on Tuesday. That means tax hikes and entitlement cuts are possible.

Poll: Support for Repeal of Health-Care Reform Law Increases After One Month
– “Support for repeal of the recently-passed national health care plan remains strong, as most voters believe the law will increase the cost of care, hurt quality and push the federal budget deficit even higher,” says a new Rasmussen poll.

U.S. Postal Service Facing ‘Major Financial Crisis,’ Report Says
– Failure to achieve a “major restructuring” of the U.S. Postal Service “will increase the risk that taxpayers and the U.S. Treasury will have to provide financial relief,” says a recent report from the Government Accountability Office. “USPS is facing a major financial crisis,” projecting a record loss of over $7 billion in fiscal year 2010, says the April 22 GAO report.

Lawmaker Calls for Hearings into Pentagon’s ‘Politically Correct’ Decisions to ‘Disinvite’ Conservative Christian Leaders
– A conservative Republican congressman from Georgia is calling for congressional hearings to investigate actions by the U.S. military in recent weeks to cancel or rescind invitations that had been made to two prominent conservative Christian leaders — Franklin Graham and Tony Perkins — to speak at military prayer events.

Screenwriter Andrew Klavan: Conservatives ‘Have to Meet in Secret’ and ‘Talk in Whispers’ in Hollywood
– Screenwriter and author Andrew Klavan said that in Hollywood, “(i)f you’re a conservative, especially a religious person, people have to meet in secret. They talk in whispers. It’s a very disturbing kind of culture.” Klavan, in an exclusive interview with, said that he and fellow conservatives in Hollywood are battling the liberal status quo by creating entertainment that reflects the values held by the majority of Americans.

Joe Scarborough: ‘Saving the World for Moral Reasons’ Is ‘the Republican View’
– Former Republican Congressman Joe Scarborough, now host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” said if the “moral argument” to combat climate change has not convinced enough Americans to believe in global warming, then “you do have to make the Machiavellian arguments” – in other words, place political expediency above morality to address the issue.

Re-Election of Sudan’s President Underscores Limits of International Court
– Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir, the first sitting leader to be indicted for war crimes by an international court, has now become the first indicted leader to win re-election. His victory, the result of a flawed election, underlines the inability of the International Criminal Court to enforce its decisions.

As U.S. Base Dispute Drags On, Japan’s Prime Minister Languishes in Polls
– Eight months after his party’s historic election victory, Japanese Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama’s popularity ratings sank to new lows this week, amid a drawn-out controversy over the relocation of a United States airbase. A mass rally on Okinawa Sunday, calling for the removal of the base, added to the pressure on the government.

SEC IG Probes Timing of Goldman Sachs Suit and Financial Reform Legislation
– Less than 30 minutes after the Securities and Exchange Commission announced its lawsuit against Goldman Sachs, the Democratic National Committee sent mass e-mails proclaiming that the action shows the need for passage of financial reform legislation — currently the top priority for President Obama. Many Republicans have questioned the timing of the lawsuit, and SEC Inspector General H. David Kotz has announced that his office will investigate whether SEC officials coordinated with political officials, something that would violate rules insulating the autonomous commission from political considerations.

Is U.S. military cowering before Muslims?
Concerned Women for America is appalled at the way the Pentagon appears more committed to appeasing Muslims, than allowing a high-profile Christian leader to share the gospel of Jesus Christ to members of the military.

Law school policy labeled ‘crazy’
A spokesman for a conservative legal group is taking note of the significance of a Supreme Court justice calling a law school policy “crazy.”

Perspective: Obama sends in the clowns
With a potential political bloodbath looming in November, liberals are understandably desperate. They see it all slipping away — and it shows.

Gore going for the green
The author of a new book says Al Gore’s mission to “go green” has nothing to do with global warming but everything to do with another green — the greenback.

Perspective: Filtering history
Those who mine history for sins are not searching for truth but for grievances that can be cashed in today at the expense of people who were not even born when those sins were committed.

Haitian Judge Clears 9 U.S. Christians of All Charges
Kidnapping and criminal association charges against 10 U.S. Christians who tried to transport Haitian children out of the country to an orphanage have been dropped.

Survey: Most Young People Are ‘Lost’ Despite ‘Christian’ Label

Most Americans Believe Jesus Speaks to Them

Presbyterians Consider ‘Strategic Plan’ to Grow, Overcome Tensions

Saving the ‘Wrongly Reached’ in the South

Faith of High Court Nominee Not Big Issue for Many Protestants

Government Report Says Global Warming May Cause Cancer, Mental Illness
– A new government report says global warming could lead to an increase in both cancer and mental illness worldwide, and it calls for more federally funded research to determine how that might happen. The report was published by an inter-agency group comprised of scientists from the CDC, NIH, State Department, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Agriculture Department, EPA, and the Department of Health and Human Services.

FEMA Saving Millions of Dollars by Turning Off Unused Cell Phones, Internet Lines
– FEMA Administrator Craig Fugate told a House subcommittee on Tuesday that his agency has ended “bad business” practices by turning off cell phones and shutting down Internet lines that have gone unused for years.

Hoyer Says Arizona Immigration Enforcement Law ‘Inconsistent’ with Civil Liberties
– House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said that Arizona’s new immigration enforcement law is “inconsistent” with American legal traditions and civil liberties. Hoyer said that such active enforcement policies should not be included in upcoming federal immigration reform.

Chinese Naval Maneuvers Unsettle Its Neighbors
– A series of Chinese naval movements beyond its coastal waters this month has set off alarm bells in the region, prompting the Taiwanese military on Tuesday to hold a drill testing its response to an imaginary Chinese attack against its air bases.
Japan also has watched warily as Chinese war ships passed through international waters in the southern Okinawa island chain.

Ukraine’s Shift on Black Sea Fleet Is A Boost for Moscow
– Russian lawmakers on Tuesday quickly approved an agreement allowing the Black Sea Fleet to use a port in Ukraine for another 25 years, sealing a deal that caused an uproar in Ukraine while marking another strategic victory for the Kremlin in the region it once dominated.

Mojave cross will stay
The Supreme Court has said a federal court went too far in ordering the removal of a congressionally endorsed war memorial cross from its longtime home in California.

‘Enshrinement’ of sharia a major threat
A Protestant renewal organization is calling upon churches to confront Islamic law.

Army should expect to answer for dumping Graham
Senator Roger Wicker, a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee, says he will question military officials about the recent snub of evangelist Franklin Graham to speak at a National Day of Prayer event at the Pentagon.

AZ’s immigration bill sees support, opposition
An immigration-enforcement political action committee is praising Arizona Governor Jan Brewer for resisting pressure from President Obama and illegal alien groups by signing a border-enforcement bill into law.

Perspective: How Mexico treats illegal aliens
To those who are protesting Arizona’s new immigration regulations: Arizona has nothing on Mexico when it comes to cracking down on illegal aliens.

Supreme Court Rules Mojave Desert Cross Can Stay
In a splintered 5-4 ruling, the justices said “the constitution does not oblige government to avoid any public acknowledgment of religion’s role in society.”

Muslims Want Franklin Graham Removed from Capitol Prayer

Evangelicals: Repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell Threatens Religious Liberty

Clinton Urged to Protect ‘Fragile’ Christian Minority in Iraq

Young Adults Wear Pro-Life T-Shirts This Week

Index Provider STOXX Caters to European Christian Investors

U.S. congressman: ‘Boycott my state!’
It’s outrageous, says an immigration reform activist, that a member of Congress would call for a boycott of his own state to support the interests of foreign nationals.

Pro-life bills survive governor’s veto
Following the lead of the state’s House of Representatives, the Oklahoma Senate has voted to override two pro-life bills vetoed by Governor Brad Henry — making the bills law in the Sooner State.

OK in VA to pray in Jesus’ name
Compliments of Governor Bob McDonnell, Virginia State Police chaplains can invoke Jesus during prayers again.

Perspective: Obama Double Standard Disease
ODSD is pandemic — and the major news media is seriously infected.

You heard it right … class credit for keeping quiet
A high school in New Hampshire recently awarded credits toward graduation for students who participated in a national school-based observance for homosexual rights.
Justice Department: Border Patrol Agents Assaulted Daily, Kidnappings Every 35 Hours in Phoenix, 1 in 5 Teens using Drugs Supplied by Mexican Traffickers
– Three Border Patrol agents are assaulted on the average day at or near the U.S. border. Someone is kidnapped every 35 hours in Phoenix, Ariz., often by agents of alien smuggling organizations. And one-in-five American teenagers last year used some type of illegal drug, many of which were imported across the unsecured U.S.-Mexico border. These facts are reported in the recently released National Drug Threat Assessment for 2010, published by the National Drug Intelligence Center, a division of the U.S. Justice Department.

Napolitano: U.S.- Mexico Border ‘As Secure Now As It Has Ever Been’
– Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, the former governor of Arizona, told a Senate panel Wednesday that she knows the U.S.-Mexico border “as well as anyone,” and “I will tell you it is as secure now as it has ever been.”

Some Democrats See Drugs and Border Security As ‘Distraction’ to Comprehensive Immigration Reform
Washington (
– Some congressional Democrats say concern about drug traffickers crossing the U.S.-Mexico border is distracting attention from the main issue of comprehensive immigration reform. “Sealing the border is not the entire issue,” Rep. Mike Honda (D-Calif.) told Other Democrats declined to discuss drugs or border security. “Got to go, sorry,” one Democrat told Another Democrat told a reporter who asked about drugs and border security it was a “punkish” question.

House Committee Questions Legality of Drone Strikes against Terrorists
– The House National Security and Foreign Affairs subcommittee held a hearing on Wednesday to question whether using drones (unmanned military aircraft) to kill terrorists violates international law. The panel, comprised of four international law experts, was largely in agreement that the use of drones by both CIA and military personnel to kill terrorists is legal.

Military is Muzzling Chaplains and Others Who Support ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Policy, Former Chaplains Say
– Arthur Schultz, a former Army chaplain who now is legal counsel to the National Conference of Evangelical Chaplain Endorsers, told reporters that servicemen overseas have been told not to speak in support of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.”

White House Says President ‘May Not’ Break Tax Pledge in Effort to Reduce Deficit
– Everything must be on the table to reduce the massive federal deficit, President Barack Obama on said Tuesday. However, Obama did not address his campaign pledge to avoid raising taxes on households earning less than $250,000, and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs said the president “may not” break that pledge.

Iran Hopes to Shift Focus to Israel at U.N. Nuclear Conference
– As President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad awaits a visa to attend next week’s nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty review conference in New York, Iran’s fellow Non-Aligned Movement members are finalizing plans to use the event to focus on Israel, not on Iran. Egypt is leading the drive to force Israel to come clean and dismantle a nuclear weapons arsenal whose existence it neither confirms nor denies.

White House Less Concerned about Religious Freedom, Report Says
Every year the issue of religious freedom is becoming less important to the White House and State Department, a bipartisan U.S. government panel complained in its annual report on Thursday.

Ex-Muslim Defends Franklin Graham’s Islam Remarks

Prayer Event Will Not Promote Anti-Gay Hate in Uganda, Ministry Assures

Movement Launches to Keep Ex-Prisoners ‘Out for Life’

Miles McPherson Tells Pastors: Pain Ain’t Going Away

China Moves Uyghur Christian Prisoner, Allows Family Visit

Hillary mum on Islam’s treatment of women
The nation’s largest public policy women’s organization is appalled that leading feminists, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, continue to give Muslims a pass when it comes to their treatment of women.

Political payback would ‘paralyze’ military
The Thomas More Law Center is encouraging members of Congress to defend the current statute that denies homosexuals eligibility to serve in the military.

Perspective: America’s selective salary policeman
Any doubts about Barack Obama’s ideological commitment to wealth redistribution and a command-and-control economy have evaporated.

Reversal of anti-Christian policy applauded
A pro-family group in Virginia is grateful to their new governor for taking a stand in defense of religious liberty rights — and that as a result, police chaplains in the commonwealth can resume praying in the name of Jesus.

Silence From U.S. and Its Allies Allowed Iran to Get Seat on U.N. Women’s Rights Body
– The United States and 12 other Western democracies kept silent this week as Iran was nominated for membership on the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women, thus enabling Iran to get the seat. Iran, whose treatment of women has drawn criticism from human rights groups, will now help set U.N. policy on gender equality and the advancement of women.

Arizona Congressman Who Represents Border District Walks Away When Asked If He’s Committed to Sealing Border Against Drug Traffic
– Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-Ariz.), who represents a congressional district that includes 300 miles of the U.S.-Mexico border, walked away when asked him whether he was committed to sealing the border against the influx of illegal drugs. He shouted back at the reporter that it was “punkish” to ask the question.

Rep. Blumenauer: Altering Roads for Pedestrians, Bicyclists Will Boost ‘Community Vitality’
– Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-Ore.) said roads should be designed “to take into account all the needs of the community” and foster “balanced transportation,” which in turn makes it more desirable for people to go about their business and “participate in community vitality.”

Obama Gives Unions a ‘Massive Payback’ with Executive Order, Contractors Claim
– The nation’s non-union contractors, who constitute the bulk of the construction industry, say President Obama has given a “massive payback” to unions by issuing an executive order that will help them secure billions of dollars in construction contracts on public projects. Critics say the move is unfair to non-union workers who represent about 85 percent of the construction industry.

Census Still ‘Struggling’ With IT Problems That May Affect Count’s Accuracy
– The U.S. Census Bureau is still having problems with its computer system that handles the data for households that did not return a census form. However, the Census Bureau director said the system has successfully printed out the assignments for the enumerators who will conduct in-person interviews with households that did not mail in their forms.

Arizona Governor’s Approval Rating Jumps 16 Points After Signing Immigration Law
– With the media and the nation zeroed in on the immigration debate in the state of Arizona, Gov. Jan Brewer (R) received a 16-point bump in her approval rating after signing the current immigration bill into law. Most Arizonans welcome a new immigration law, as 64 percent support the current legislation.

Faith Groups Nationwide to Protest Ariz. Immigration Law
From New York City to San Jose, faith communities this weekend will be holding prayer vigils to urge federal lawmakers to quickly pass comprehensive immigration reform in light of the recent strict Arizona law.

Wycliffe, DOOR to Translate Bible for Deaf People Groups

More Christians Stepping Up to Orphan Care Challenge

Sports Stars, Christian Music Artists Headline Anti-‘Summer Hunger’ Effort

Evangelical Presbyterian Church Expresses Concern over PCUSA Report

Christian Relationship Counselor Loses Appeal Bid

Illegal immigrants sought in Arizona deputy shooting
Law officers backed by helicopters hunted gunmen in Arizona’s desert early Saturday after a sheriff’s deputy was wounded by suspected illegal immigrants believed to be smuggling marijuana, officials said. The violent episode came amid nationwide debate over the state’s tough new immigration law.

Arizona lawmakers make conservative moves
Across the country, they are known as the conservative lawmakers who are taking illegal immigration into their own hands.

Undercover probe reveals KY clinic’s violations
Live Action, a student-led pro-life organization, has released the full video of a Kentucky abortion clinic whose staff is alleged to have violated state law.

Study: Contraception tied to HIV
A study by the Population Research Institute shows that use of a contraceptive pill is linked to a higher chance of contracting HIV/AIDS.

SBC presidency hopefuls line up
Three clergyman will be in the running to become the next president of the Southern Baptist Convention at the denomination’s annual meeting.

17 illegals captured in search for deputy shooters
Authorities searching for drug smugglers who shot and wounded an Arizona sheriff’s deputy in the desert south of Phoenix said they captured 17 suspected illegal immigrants Saturday, including three who may have been involved in the incident.

Democrats see economy and Obama as election liabilities
Republicans are on offense in scores of House and Senate races as persistent economic woes and lukewarm support for President Barack Obama continue to weaken Democrats’ hold on Congress.

Election awareness campaign launched in California
A Christian attorney is reminding his fellow Californians that all that is needed for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing.

Lawsuit over Muslim scarf dismissed
A federal judge has dismissed a lawsuit against a Michigan judge who was accused of violating a woman’s right to practice her religion when he told her to remove her Muslim headscarf.

Newslinks – 08/01/09

August 1, 2009 at 9:02 am | Posted in Newslinks | 2 Comments
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Saturday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees

 Evangelist Greg Laurie Reflects on Son’s Death, One Year Later
One year ago today, a well-known evangelist lost his oldest son. Reflecting on the anniversary of his son’s death, evangelist Greg Laurie testifies that the Lord has been there for him in the midst of a devastating time.

Pro-Life Leaders Mobilize Over 36,000 to Stand Against ‘Abortion Mandate’

 BWA to Celebrate 400th Anniversary of Baptist Movement

 Scholars to Examine Gender Roles, Bible, Culture

 Dallas Episcopal Bishop Rejects Gay Resolutions

 Rick Warren Embarks on Follow-Up to ‘Purpose Driven Life’

 Commentary on July 24 News – Foca by Stealth, Tim Ryan, China, More Good News on D&P, Sask. Marriage Commissioner

Pence Amendment Fails, House Votes to Increase Tax Dollars for Planned Parenthood Continue Reading Newslinks – 08/01/09…

Saturday’s News – 07/26/08

July 28, 2008 at 4:01 pm | Posted in Newslinks | Leave a comment
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Saturday’s Newslinks brought to you by At Ease Tees


I know that it’s two days late, but I wasn’t able to get it up until now. I hope to have my regular Monday message up tomorrow! Thanks for understanding!

More Methodists Support Clergy Performing Gay Weddings


The number of United Methodists that support “gay marriage” is growing. The Northeastern Jurisdiction Conference of the United Methodist Church have approved a resolution that expresses respect for Methodist clergy in California who perform “same-sex” marriage ceremonies calling it “a matter of Christian conscience, spiritual discernment and prophetic witnessing”. In April, the UMC struck down a measure that would have removed the ban on non-celibate gay pastors as well as the statement that “homosexuality is incompatible with Christian teaching”. In response to the legalization of “gay marriage” in California last month, many of the regional conferences have promoted measures that support “gay marriage”, encouraging pastors to support these “families”. The UMC Book of Discipline – the laws of the UMC – expressly forbids its churches or clergy from performing “same-sex” marriages. Those who disagree with the recent changes have called Methodists to be faithful to biblical teaching and have expressed concern at the continuing decline of membership in the UMC.


That whirring sound that you hear is, in fact, John Wesley spinning in his grave. Once again, another denomination has begun to dismantle the authority of God and to create a God in their own image. Those who support the pro-homosexual “Christians” in the UMC call it “a matter of Christian conscience, spiritual discernment and prophetic witnessing”. I disagree. It has nothing to do with Christian conscience. If it did, it wouldn’t be an issue to begin with. It is a matter of conscience, but it’s a poor one and more of an example of ignoring the conscience. As far as “spiritual discernment”, I again have to disagree, unless they mean a lack thereof. Spiritual discernment can only come from a right understanding of scripture and the application of that understanding. Spiritual discernment is about seeing what is happening around us and using the Word of God to determine if it’s right or wrong. As far as “prophetic witnessing”, while I’m not sure what they mean by the phrase, I think that this will be a witness to others. For something to be prophetic in relation to God, it has to spring from the truth of God. The growing support for homosexuality in the Church is a witness to those outside the church. It is not the witness that God is fallible like many would have people believe. If anything, it’s a witness to God’s patience. I also believe that it will be a witness of God’s judgment. The scriptures say that judgment will start in the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). I can help but fear for those who have deceived themselves and others into thinking that homosexuality isn’t a sin and that it’s ok. There will be a time when God will judge sin and that will include the church. This is just another instance of the tragedy of the modern message and the fault of the church in not holding true to the gospel…


Anglican Head: God Doesn’t Need Violent Protection


The Archbishop of Cantebury has decided that God doesn’t need to be protected by human violence. Last fall, a group of 138 Muslims wrote a letter called “A Common Word Between Us and You” as a call for interfaith dialogue between Muslims and Christians. In his response to the letter, Rowan Williams cited John 19:36 where Jesus tells Pontius Pilate that His kingdom “is not of this world” and “if it were, my servants would fight”. He also said that the “eternal God cannot need ‘protection’ by the tactics of human tactics”. He then went to the Quran (Al-Baqarah) 2:256 and stated that it shows that there is no compulsion in religion. He said that using violence to “compel religious allegiance” is really a way to “replace divine power with human power”. He called for renewing Christian-Muslim relations that would break the “current cycles of violence, to show the world that faith and faith alone can truly ground a commitment to peace”. The original letter was sent last October. In response to the letter, 300 “Christian leaders” responded positively and signed a return letter. Some of the signers of the response letter have since removed their signatures because they feel that the Muslim letter compromises the Christian faith. In October, on the anniversary of the release of the original letter, the Anglican Communion will hold a conference for Muslims and Christians to talk about practical ways to deepen mutual understanding.


Without wanting to sound mean, it seems that every time Rowan Williams opens his mouth, he sticks his foot in it. I’ve already written a blog on the original letter so I won’t go into that much here. What it seems that Mr. Williams is trying to say is that Christians should just lie down and let the adherents of other religions walk all over them. Williams also talks about using violence to compel religious allegiance. Unless I’m mistaken, I don’t recall if I’ve ever heard any instance of Christians using violence to compel others to become Christians. I do recall having recently heard many stories about Muslims using violence to compel others to become Muslim. I have heard of Muslims killing Christian missionaries. I’ve heard of Christians being jailed for no good reason other than the fact they were Christians. The Christian-Muslim dialogue will not happen in the way that many people desire it for one simple reason. Muslims deny Christ as God. Without this foundational truth being equal, it will be impossible to have some kind of lasting dialogue. What I think that we need is for Christians to have a deeper understanding of the God that they claim to follow, the Word that He spoke (and the way that He spoke it), and the truth of what it mean to be a Christian.


California court drops charges against home schoolers


According to lawyers for the homeschooling families in California, there has at least been a cease-fire. They have said that the case against those who homeschool in the state has been dismissed. The judicial analyst for Focus on the Family Action says that the family court has decided to dismiss the case because the state either didn’t want to pursue the families or understood that they couldn’t pursue the families. He says that there is still some concern that this isn’t a complete win because the uncertainties that brought the case about in the first place still exist. He says that the best thing would be for the state to enact a law that protects the parents’ rights to educate their children as they see fit.


I think that it’s sad that the rights of parents that homeschool their kids (most of whom are Christian) are being neglected. I think that this is a great step for homeschooling, but I would still be leery of the future. Just because it didn’t happen now doesn’t mean that this won’t come back up in the future. If our nation’s public schools would put the emphasis where it needs to be and actually teach our kids what they need to know, our children would be doing much better and so would our schools. Most of the time spent in schools now is devoted to passing standardized tests, which help determine how much money the school will get. That’s ridiculous. Our kids need to be educated so that they will help to restore our nation and continue to move it forward. I am glad that there are many who have realized the failure in our public schools (which is not a reflection on the teachers in the schools!) and have decided to homeschool their kids. It is a wonderful thing and I would recommend it to anyone who can do it!


South Dakota Law Goes Into Effect: Women Must be Told They Are “Terminating the Life of a Whole Separate, Unique Living Human Being”


A law passed in 2005 has now gone into effect in South Dakota. The law requires that all doctors performing abortions must inform the mothers that they are “terminating the life of a whole separate, unique living human being”. The mothers must also acknowledge in writing that they understand what they are doing. Planned Parenthood challenged the law and an injunction was set. That injunction has since expired. Aside from informing the mothers-to-be that they are taking the life of their child, the doctors must also tell the women that they are putting themselves at high risk for suicide and depression. On July 1st, another law took effect, which required doctors to ask if the woman wanted to see a sonogram of the baby. About 700 abortions are performed each year in South Dakota and while there are many other states that have informed consent laws, the one in SD is the only one that recognizes the child as another human life.


I applaud SD for their decision to stand by the truth and not allow the monstrosity that is Planned Parenthood try to bully them into backing down. Since this article was posted, I have heard that the last abortion clinic in SD has shut down because the doctors flying in to the clinic did not want to comply with the law. Shouldn’t that say something? Shouldn’t that tell you something about the doctors? Shouldn’t that say something for the truth of abortion? I hope that other states begin to update their laws to reflect the ones in SD and that our nation is purged of the sin and death that it has been privy to for so long!


Grants to Boost Recruitment of Young Christians to Ministry


A recent announcement from the Fund for Theological Education (FTE) has said that it will be giving away grants to congregations that encourage young people to enter into the ministry. According to the announcement, the grants will range from $5,000 to $12,000 for 18 month long grass roots programs that foster a sense of Christian vocation and a call to the ministry. This is in response to the numbers that show that young people entering the ministry are on the decline. Those interested in the grants have up until Sept. 8th to apply for them.


Is anyone else saddened by this? I have to say that I’m not surprised though. Before the modern gospel took hold, pastors/preachers were actually men of God who took their calling seriously and understood that they were not dealing with ethereal ideas from a “doting daddy”. They understood the Word of God for what it was, the absolute truth given by a holy, just, and righteous God that will punish sin and send those who deny Christ to hell. The number of pastors/preachers actually continuing in that calling is falling as those who respect the Word are replaced by those who desire to play church and coddle sinners. They entertain their congregations with witty stories and comedy, preaching on the hottest topics of the day, all the while ignoring the fact that many of the people sitting in their pews (including many professing “Christians”) may die and go to hell before the day is over. They dance, sing, shout, holler, whoop, and carry on like idiots. They ride motorcycles in the church, show movie clips from films that have an “R” rating, and participate in antics that would make P.T. Barnum proud. They know very little about what it means to preach the gospel and even less about how to go about it. They have large congregations full of people who have tickled ears and stony hearts. They feel a sense of accomplishment because they’ve stood on a stage and played their part, not realizing that they are performing for a group of people who are just as accomplished at acting their own roles. It’s disgusting and it does not bode well for the future of our nation or of the church in America. Those who speak out for reform and repentance are seen as “stuffy”, “old-fashioned”, and “fundamental”. If pastors/preachers were doing what they were supposed to be doing, there would be no shortage of people entering into ministry. They would be raising up entire congregations of youth that are ready to proclaim the truth of the gospel to the world that needs it both by word and by deed. Instead, our churches are filled with thespians and “scholars” who spend more of their time receiving accolades and promoting false doctrine than they do investing in the youth in their sphere of influence. Is it any wonder why our kids are leaving the church in droves? They have no role models!


Gay Bishop Dismisses Call to Resign


The Archbishop of Sudan recently made a call for V. Gene Robinson to step down from his position and called for those who supported his consecration to repent. The Sudanese Archbishop said that Robinson’s actions violated the “norms of the Anglican Communion”. Because of Robinson’s ordination, 300 bishops have boycotted the Anglican Communion’s Lambeth Conference. Robinson was not invited to attend Lambeth but has been at the University of Kent while the Conference is going on. Robinson said in his blog, “Those calling for my resignation seem to be under the impression that if Gene Robinson went away, that all would go back to being ‘like it was,’ whatever that was! Does ANYONE think that if I resigned, this issue would go away?! We are not going away, as much as some would like us to.” Robinson also said that many people “seem to forget” that he is not there representing himself alone, but that he “represents the diocese of New Hampshire”. He said that it is a privilege to “minister in Christ’s name with them”. He also said that calls for his resignation ignore the vows he made to his “flock”. Robinson will be attending “fringe” events where he will give his testimony. He said that it is an opportunity to “talk about my own life and journey in Christ in such a way that those who are listening will perceive that the God I know in my own life is the same God they know in THEIR lives”.


Mr. Robinson seems to be extremely confused on a lot of things. First and foremost is the identity of God. He says that his testimony as a gay bishop will help others see that the God he knows is the same God that they know. To do this, it would definitely have to be a “sell job”. All it takes is a cursory glance at scripture to see that homosexuality is a sin. To say that the “God” that he knows (who allows and approves of homosexuality) is the same God that I know (who condemns homosexuality as sin both in the Old and New Testaments) is a lie. They are not the same God. One is an idol created by someone who wants to live their life their way and still have all the “benefits” associated with being a Christian. He is compromising the truth of the Word and making himself an example of the same to others. He also seems to misunderstand the intentions of those calling for his resignation. They are not trying to get him or others practicing homosexuality to “go away”. They are trying to get them to understand that homosexuality is a sin and you cannot live in sin and be a Christian. There is no gray area there. If you are living a lifestyle that God says is a sin and knowing this continue to do so, then you are living in open defiance to God. Because of this, there is no possible way that Robinson could be ministering in Christ’s name. In Matthew 12:30, Jesus said that “whoever is not with Me is against Me, and whoever does not gather with Me, scatters”. Gene Robinson is scattering his “flock” under the guise of a false image of Christ. He asked if the issue would change if he went away. No, it wouldn’t. But, if he resigned, it would allow communion to be restored with hundreds of bishops who have separated themselves because of the Anglican Church’s condoning of sin. He says that he represents the NH diocese. Is it unanimous? Does every single person in that diocese support his lifestyle and his actions? I doubt it. Gene Robinson has become a prideful man who has put his faith in a false image of the God of the Bible and has allowed that pride and faith to fester and grow, leading many people (either undiscerning or willingly) away from the only hope they have for salvation…


Brian McLaren Challenges Anglicans on Emerging Culture


Brian McLaren made a visit to the Anglican Lambeth Conference in order to speak “on behalf of the people who never show up in your church, … who are never part of your community, the multitude of people who have been created in the image of God, but who have never known the redeeming of the Spirit of God through the Good News of Jesus Christ”. He said that religion has orphaned “emerging” culture like materialism and technology and has failed to answer the multitude of questions raised by the “hurricane of change” in the modern world. McLaren also offered his view of evangelism in what he sees as three different worlds, pre-modern, modern, and emerging. He told those at Kent, “You might say that evangelism is almost non-existent because the Christian faith is, to be very frank, almost non-existent”. He also told the gathered bishops that they needed to get rid of “internal institutional maintenance” and focus on the “outward mission” of making disciples of all men. According to McLaren, this is the only hope for “saving the church from division, diversion, implosion, irrelevance and triviality”. He applauded the Anglican Church and said that they could be a great asset to the church if they would realize that they are “in a different place, different contexts and we have different challenges”. He also said that because of this, there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution. He encouraged Anglicans to become part of the post-modern, emerging world and change history. He said that the church needs to “re-discover” and “re-prioritize” our “outward mission to be the hands and feet of Jesus”, to “turn that mission into the good news of hope”, and to “stir up new and unimagined capacity”. He also challenged them by asking them whether newcomers would hear the “gospel of evacuation” or “Jesus’ Gospel the Gospel of the kingdom of God, the message that brings reconciliation, hope, transformation and engagement”. McLaren said that dealing with things like homosexuality should be done with a conscious effort to consider the challenges of the person in one place by a person in another place. The approach taken by those attending Lambeth is one of more conversation and less legislation so that they can “better understand” one another. The discussions will center on biblical authority, human sexuality, and Anglican identity.


I am fully convinced that Brian McLaren has absolutely no idea what it means to be a Christian and may not even understand what he is saying most of the time. First, I find it amusing that McLaren nominated himself to speak for the people that never show up in the church, those who need to know the “redeeming of the Spirit of God through the Good News of Jesus Christ”. I would personally say that if anyone has a right to speak for those who are at enmity with God it would be McLaren. He talks about the Good News of Jesus Christ and spends his entire “ministry” trying to water that Good News down and nullify everything that God has established through His Word. Can you have both? To say that religion has “orphaned” materialism is a lie. Look at the “prosperity preachers”. They haven’t orphaned materialism. Look at those who try to make evolution fit into Christianity. They don’t orphan materialism. Not only that, but he seems to completely miss the fact that throughout scripture God calls us to “orphan” materialism! We are to be separate from the world and its ways. So the very thing that McLaren rebukes the church for is the thing that it is supposed to be doing in obedience to God’s Word. He says that evangelism is almost non-existent (probably because saying that it is non-existent would be an absolute and we can’t know anything absolutely…) because “the Christian faith is almost non-existent”. Really? The Christian faith is almost non-existent? If this is true, then he should probably tell the millions of professing Christians that their faith is in vain. Why is he telling this to a group of Anglican Christians anyway? I will agree that there could be a lot more biblical evangelism going on, but to say that it’s non-existent is ridiculous. He said that the church should “ditch” “internal institutional maintenance” and focus on the “outward mission” of making disciples. Huh? Could it get any more wishy-washy or downright confusing? To tell the church, “don’t worry about doctrine or obedience to scripture, and definitely disregard any matters of church discipline” is just dumb. Saying that keeping the church in line with scripture and maintaining that consistent relationship with God’s Word is not important is to steal the identity of the church right out from under her! How well will the “outward mission” go if the church is not maintained? What would we be bringing the “newcomers” that McLaren represents into if we didn’t maintain the church? It would be chaos! The “only hope of saving the church from division, diversion, implosion, irrelevance, and triviality” is to get people like McLaren to stop spewing their atrocious anti-Christian diatribe and to get back to putting things right. He says that there is no “one-size-fits-all” solution to the problems facing the church but then offers his own! Which is it? To be honest, there is a solution to all of the problems facing the church right now and it doesn’t matter what the “setting” is, where the problem is happening, or what condition the people are in. That is to repent of the sins of the church and to return to full scriptural authority in every aspect of our individual and corporate lives. If the body of Christ were to do this, many of the “problems” that we have would disappear almost immediately. There would be no issues concerning abortion, homosexuality, or identity. They would all be taken care of. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the same as it’s always been and there is no other. Paul said that if anyone else preaches a gospel other than what he preached, they are an anathema. McLaren is doing just that and the church is soaking it up. McLaren needs to be tossed out on his ear and the church needs to get back to its biblical foundation…


Ukraine Celebrates Its 1,020th Anniversary of Christianity


In 988 A.D., Prince Vladmir the Great was baptized and instated Christianity as the state religion of what is now the Ukraine. He then had his family and the people baptized and tore down the Slavic pagan gods. Today, Patriarch Bartholomew I, Patriarch Alexy II of Russia, and other Orthodox leaders from other countries will hold a service near a statue of Prince Vladmir.


I think that this is great! I would love to see something like this happen in America. I would love to see the pagan gods that most Americans worship torn down and God restored to His rightful place. We have put everything that we can think of before God and it shows. To have our nation return to its Christian Heritage would be wonderful and it would be the beginning of lasting change in our country…

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